With the Divine Liturgy, in which the Apostolic Nuncio participated, started the new school year in Drohobych
Tuesday, 04 September 2012, 00:13 On the 1st of September, rectors and directors, lecturers and teachers, university students and the students of other educational institutions of Drohobych city, came for the common prayer to the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, which is situated in Drohobych. The prayer was attended by the representatives of the local authorities as well as by the head of the city Department of Education.The Solemn Divine Liturgy, on the occasion of the blessing of the beginning of the new school year was served by the bishop Yaroslav (Pryriz), who is the Bishop in Sambir-Drohobych region, in concelebration with the Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Thomas Edward Hallikson and priests Drogobych Deanery, as well as the with the lecturers of Theological Seminary in Drohobych. The Liturgy was accompanied by the liturgical chants of the Diocesan Seminary Choir.
Prior to the beginning of the Divine Liturgy, Lecturers and Students had the possibility to receive the Sacrament of Penance.
“I warmly congratulate everyone on the occasion of the beginning of the new school year and express my sincerest wishes for you to receive an abundance of God’s graces and blessings, as well as, success on your way towards realization of your noble intentions” – pronounced Bishop Yaroslav towards the present audience during the prayer. The Bishop noted that receiving the knowledge does not mean the same as gaining the wisdom. That is to say that there are people who use this knowledge to achieve their evil goals. “Wisdom is a gift of the Holy Spirit”, - stressed the bishop. The wise man always remembers the fact that the world was created by God and that God cares about him; that is the man, whom He calls for achieving higher goals.
At the end of the Divine Liturgy, Archbishop Thomas conveyed the sincerest greetings to the people who were present from the Holy Father- Pope Benedict XVI and gave his pontifical blessing. Particularly, in his remarks, Apostolic Nuncio addressed the students of Theological Seminary in Drohobych. He noted that the priestly ministry requires the proper preparation. Afterwards, the speaker wished seminarians to become zealous Christian priests in the future.
After the Divine Liturgy ended, Bishop Yaroslav, in order to gratify His Eminence Tomas Edward, presented him with an icon of Drohobych Holy Martyrs Yakym, Vitaliy and Severyn. While giving an icon, the Bishop noted that this gift is of great value for the clergy and for those faithful to the diocese, that is, because Ukrainian land is consecrated with blood of the Drohobych Holy Martyrs. Only through their great deed, over those lands, at the end of the last century, did the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church manage to revive.
Then, Bishop Yaroslav together with Archbishop Thomas Edward performed the rite of blessing the cassocks for seminarians, who are studying the second year of Theological Seminary in Drohobych.
After that, the Apostolic Nuncio, being accompanied by the Sambir-Drohobych Eparch, visited the Theological Seminary in Drohobych, where he had a meeting with the administration, lecturers and students of this institution. His eminence Tomas also managed to speak with rectors and directors of the educational institutions of Drohobych city.
According to the program of the visit to the Sambir-Drohobych Diocese, the Apostolic Nuncio that day had also visited the Charitable Fund “Caritas” in Drohobych, where he examined various directions of social work within this institution. Therefore, His Eminence has visited the pro-Cathedral of the Intercession of the Ever-Virgin Mary in Sambir city, as well as one other Sambir Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, where the well-known wonderworking icon is situated.
2nd of September: His Eminence Tomas Edward took part in the Divine Liturgy on the occasion of the 625 birthday anniversary of Boryslav city.
Fr. Oleh Chupa, press-secretary of the Sambir-Drohobych Eparchy

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