“We should not run away from politics but in it, we should act as Christians,” His Beatitude Lubomyr (Husar)
Monday, 22 April 2013, 10:20 The middle of the first day of the Summit is filled with top speakers. Among them is His Beatitude Lubomyr (Husar), UGCC Archbishop Emeritus (2001-11).The middle of the first day of the Summit is filled with top speakers. Among them is His Beatitude Lubomyr (Husar), UGCC Archbishop Emeritus (2001-11).
“I do not like it when media often write Europe and Ukraine,” he began. “We were in Europe from the beginning. This is verified by history. For example, Kyiv Prince Yaroslav Mudryi was known as ‘Europe’s father-in-law’. Having, if I am not mistaken, twelve children, he married them with the sons and daughters of kings and princes of the whole European continent. Yaroslav’s children felt at home, since they were Europeans. This historical fact is of deep significance to us. But, today, do we really have that European spirit? I would be insincere if I would answer in the affirmative. However, it is not our fault. They tried to forcibly tear Ukraine from Europe. Also forcibly they tried to tear Ukraine from God. These happened almost simultaneously. Therefore, in experiencing certain difficulties today, we have to struggle in order to ensure that the mentioned European values become a matter of our daily life.”
His Beatitude Lubomyr continued by addressing how one can in practice change the situation in Ukraine. He began with mentioning the virtues – faith, hope, and charity. “In our condition, people are convinced (and understandably so), that the officials earn much more than their wages. This means that they take bribes and gifts. Let us imagine that some of them suddenly decide to stop doing that. Who will protest the most? The other officials who request presents. Therefore, to try to change society, starting with oneself, one needs courage. And, generally, for our society to begin to change, it is not necessary to focus on changing the basic laws according to which it lives, but it is necessary to have an army of genuine Christians. And in order for us, Christians, to be courageous, we have to read the Bible, which provides us not so much with information as with God’s strength.”
“When I lived in Lviv,” reminisced His Beatitude Lubomyr, “I had a car which was pretty old. It needed repairs quite often. I remember that someone referred me to a mechanic. When they talked about him, they said ‘After all, he is a Christian.” He really did a great job on my car. When I thanked him, he replied, ‘I do it every time as if for God.” This is Christianity put into practice. And about politics… Politics in itself is not dirty. Politics is one of the most perfect ways to serve your brethren. It is sullied by irresponsible, egotistical people. Therefore, we should not run away from politics, but act in it as Christians.”
We remind our readers that on April 20-21, a Summit of the Alliance of Professionals-Christians, “Change Society through your Profession and your Convictions” was held at the H.Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (4 Trokhsviatytelna St., Kyiv).
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