“We are expecting international community to be in sympathy with Ukraine”, - His Beatitude Sviatoslav to the French journalists
Friday, 08 May 2015, 12:25 “We are expecting international community to be in sympathy with Ukraine in upholding of its European values. It is a matter of our common future”, accented the Head of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, during a meeting with French journalists, His Beatitude Sviatoslav who is staying in France with an official visit (6-11 of May).
See also:
- I want to bring with me to France the pain but also the strength and energy of Ukraine, -Archbishop Éric de Moulins-Beaufort
- Finished pastoral visit of Head of UGCC to Argentina and Republic Paraguay
- In the jubilee year of Patriarch Josef Head of UGCC recommends to think about “who we are and what is our role”
He said that solidarity foresees a long-planning and multilevel cooperation, for example in solving a problem of a humanitarian catastrophe, the biggest in Ukraine since World War II, according to the words of the Head of the UGCC.
The Main Archbishop of the UGCC added that Ukrainian crisis is not only a crisis of Ukraine but this is the crisis of a world security system, paying attention to the fact that, notwithstanding Minsk agreements war is progressing and people continue to die every day. “It is possible to compare that such a terrible tragedy like Charlie Hebdo shooting is recurring in Ukraine every week”, emphasized His Beatitude Sviatoslav.
The Head of the UGCC denoted President of France Francois Hollande’s participation in a peaceful settlement of an armed conflict in Ukraine, in particular in Normandy format.
Regarding that a visit of the Main Archbishop of the UGCC is being held during a ceremony of marking the 70th anniversary of ending in Europe the World War II, a problem of peace and reconciliation became one of his main appeals to the French society.
“The end of war was a victory not in a war but over the war. Unfortunately, in East Europe there was no victory over the war. It is very important for us that a process of reconciliation that once happened between Germany and France, also happen to Ukraine and Russia”, mentioned the head of the UGCC.
When the press-conference was being lasted, the Senate of France was voting for ratification of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. His Beatitude Sviatoslav signified that Revolution of dignity was a testimony of European values in Ukraine. “Ukraine is a European country and we want to be in a family of free, independent European countries”, - emphasized he.
French journalists were also interested in Vatican’s reaction on crisis in Ukraine, dialogues between Churches and religious situation on the occupied territories of Crimea Coast and Donbas.
Today His Beatitude Sviatoslav will participate in an investiture of order of The Honourable legion to bishop Borys (Gudzyak), bishop of a Paris Eparchy of st. Volodymyr Velykyj.
Press-service of Paris Eparchy of st. Volodymyr Velykyj

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