UGCC seminarians learn how to be missionaries
Monday, 04 July 2011, 19:57 June 26 – July 2 in Lviv Spiritual Seminary, the Pastoral-Missionary Department of the UGCC for the first time conducted a special course on missionary ministry. 73 seminarians in their senior year of study from Kyiv and Lviv Archeparchies, Ivano-Frankivsk, Sambir-Drohobych, Buchach, Kolomyia-Chernivtsi, Stryi, Sokal-Zhovkva Eparchies and Odessa-Crimea Exarchate, all participated in the course. For one week, the seminarians have been lectured by religious scientists as well as experts on migration issues. All of whom have studied the geography and makeup of the UGCC Faithfull’s presence abroad.
June 26 – July 2 in Lviv Spiritual Seminary, the Pastoral-Missionary Department of the UGCC for the first time conducted a special course on missionary ministry. 73 seminarians in their senior year of study from Kyiv and Lviv Archeparchies, Ivano-Frankivsk, Sambir-Drohobych, Buchach, Kolomyia-Chernivtsi, Stryi, Sokal-Zhovkva Eparchies and Odessa-Crimea Exarchate, all participated in the course. For one week, the seminarians have been lectured by religious scientists as well as experts on migration issues. All of whom have studied the geography and makeup of the UGCC Faithfull’s presence abroad.
“If the Church does not carry out her missionary ministry – it means that she does not live according to her God-given responsibilities” – said Bishop Josyf (Milian), the Head of the Pastoral-Missionary Department of the UGCC, in his opening word to the seminarians. For this reason, the UGCC has constructed a special mission-oriented course in order to provide pastoral care of its faithful approach in a systematic way on all continents”. Bishop Josyf encouraged the seminarians to dare to change their life position, which is not easily undertaken. “In addition, if you are not able to change yourself, then you will not be able to move forward. Every change has inherent positive aspects in striving for being better”.
“To be perfectly honest,” shared His Excellency Bishop Josyf, “my appointment as Auxiliary Bishop of Kyiv, which presupposed transfer to the capital, scared me. However, for me it was a chance for an awakening of everything that has been nurtured in me, it was a proposal, a challenge to be creative. It was fear, but it was also a chance from God”.
“For a missionary there are no casual meetings” – remarked Rev. Vasyl Potochniak, Executive Secretary of the Pastoral Missionary Department. He paid attention to the fact that while on mission, every person is very important, and meeting anyone is another opportunity to save a soul. He also noted that all participation, especially a missionary ministry when viewed from the perspective of salvation, enhances one’s faith.
The seminarians also had a unique opportunity to meet with priests, religious and lay people who had personally experienced a missionary ministry.
The Pastoral-Missionary Department of the Patriarchal Curia has been created according to the decision of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC. The Department carries out its activity not only abroad, but also in Ukraine. For Ukrainian immigrants returning from abroad public organizations have been created, conducted monthly meetings of migrants’ families, and every year organized a 10 day pilgrimage from Sambir to Marian Pilgrimage Center in Zarvanytsia.
UGCC Information Department
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