UGCC Lviv Metropolitan joined in the celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the blessing of a cornerstone in Vynnytsia
Monday, 03 June 2013, 16:55 On May 30th, the UGCC Parish of The Intercession of the Blessed Mother in Vinnytsia celebrated the 20th anniversary of the blessing of the cornerstone for its construction. The ceremonies began with a Pontifical Divine Liturgy headed by Bishop Ihor (Vozniak), UGCC Metropolitan and Archbishop of Lviv and concelebrated by the priests of the Incarnate Word who take care of this parish and Dean Mykola Durkalets. A special guest was also Rev. Vladislav Khalup’yak, the superior of the church at the time when the first official Liturgy for Greek-Catholics was celebrated. This information was provided by the Parish Press Center.On May 30th, the UGCC Parish of The Intercession of the Blessed Mother in Vinnytsia celebrated the 20th anniversary of the blessing of the cornerstone for its construction. The ceremonies began with a Pontifical Divine Liturgy headed by Bishop Ihor (Vozniak), UGCC Metropolitan and Archbishop of Lviv and concelebrated by the priests of the Incarnate Word who take care of this parish and Dean Mykola Durkalets. A special guest was also Rev. Vladislav Khalup’yak, the superior of the church at the time when the first official Liturgy for Greek-Catholics was celebrated. This information was provided by the Parish Press Center.
Joining the celebrations were also the Sisters of the Immaculate Virgin Mary of Fatima, Sviatoslava and Ivanna Zaviyska and sisters. After the Liturgy a Requiem Service was held in memory of all those deceased who had assisted in the organization of the parish and the building of the church. Later Rev. Hryhoriy Rohatsky, BC, the church superior, presented the bishop and all faithful, who gathered on that day quite numerously, with two banners prepared beforehand: one contained a brief background history of the blessing of the cornerstone, and the second related the actual blessing of the cornerstone and enumerated the next steps in the construction of the church.
It is noteworthy that Bishop Ihor as a hiermonk once served as a pastor in Vinnytsia.
UGCC Department of Information
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