UGCC eparchies will hold lectures on social teachings of the Church
Monday, 26 August 2013, 22:29 Due to the initiative of UGCC Commission on Justice and Peace together with UGCC Office of Ecology, from September to December 2013 there will be “Lectures on the Social Doctrine of the Church” in the parishes of the Kyiv-Halych Major Archbishopric.-
See also:
- His Beatitude Sviatoslav united three commissions into a new one - the UGCC Commission for Family and Lay People
- A new generation of community activists is being educated in the spirit of Christian values
This effort foresees a series of parish meetings in different eparchies of UGCC in Ukraine, especially on the territories of Volyn, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Khmelnytsky and Lviv regions. The mentioned project is a planned, organized continuation and development of the Parish Gatherings begun in 2012 in Ukraine. It is also one of the practical ways of fulfilling one of the elements of UGCC 2020 Strategic Plan, namely: “A Vibrant Parish – a place of meeting the living Christ.”
The social teachings of the Church contain principles and evaluation criteria of acts which influence the life of society and it is the dissemination of this doctrine in particular that is a real pastoral priority and an integral part of the evangelizing mission of the Church. The lectures will focus on currently relevant social issues and will involve experts and a large number of UGCC faithful.
During the gatherings special emphasis will be accorded to the explanation of how the people, and especially youth, can play a positive role in the social life of the community. An example of such a community and simultaneously a favorable place of proclaiming the teachings of the Church is the calling of the parish. It is precisely here that on the basis of the social teachings of the Church, good ideas are capable of being born and nurtured. Within this context it is planned that a series of events will be held for the laity.
Among the main goals of holding “A Series of Lectures on the Social Doctrine of the Church” are:
to teach as large an audience of faithful as possible to implement the basic principles of the teachings of the Church about elements of social, political and economical life; to assist the faithful in defining the ethical criteria of constructing for the general good; to make clear the realistic possibilities of implementing the social doctrine of the Church in the daily practice of Christian service. Special emphasis will also be placed on the social formation of the new generation regarding the main duty -- an authentic witnessing of the Gospel in work, in the family, in society and in politics.
UGCC Commission on Justice and Peace, Department of Information
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