“The words of Jesus Christ, the Teacher of Life, permeated the human heart and healed it”, - His Beatitude Sviatoslav

Sunday, 20 October 2013, 14:08
On October 19, 2013, a Pontifical Liturgy was celebrated by the bishops of the Eastern Catholic Churches in the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Kosice (Slovakia). The Divine Liturgy was led by Bishop Yan (Babiak), Presov Archbishop and Head of the Greek-Catholic Church in Slovakia.

The sermon, in both Italian and Ukrainian, about the healing of the servant of the lieutenant was preached by His Beatitude Sviatoslav (Shevchuk), Head of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church.  This event he labeled as the meeting of the Word of God with pagan culture.  “Words of Jesus Christ, Teacher of Life, permeated into the heart of a person and healed it -- meaning, returned the capability of a full life for those who with faith seek it,” reported in Kosice Eparchy.  

Also, his Beatitude Sviatoslav also quoted Pope Benedict XVI, who said that “faith is not a doctrine, but an art of life.  And such a fullness of life is only given by Jesus Christ.”

Then UGCC Head reminded the bishops present that “they are the first ones called to preach the Word of God and to heal by it the wounded human being of today.”

At the conclusion of the sermon, UGCC Primate appealed to all to pray to Saints Cyril and Methodius, who were able to transfer the Word of God in all of its fullness.

It is noteworthy, that some thirty hierarchs and priests celebrated the Liturgy in the new cathedral.  Rev. Daniel Porubtsa directed the youth choir who sang the Liturgy.


UGCC Department of Information




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