The whole world has become convinced that Ukraine is the home of numerous nationalities and religions, peacefully co-existing,” UGCC bishops
Friday, 13 June 2014, 14:58 We are very grateful for your efforts to inform your communities about the real nature of changes which are taking place in our country, in contrast to the skewed information which is directed against Ukraine and its Churches, especially against the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church.-
See also:
- Appeal of His Beatitude Sviatoslav to the Sons and Daughters of the Ukrainian People in Ukraine and Abroad, and to all People of Good Will
- His Beatitude Sviatoslav congratulated Sisters of the Incarnate Word Order with on holding Cathedral Chapter
- A patriarchate for the UGCC is not only a title. Above all, it’s a way of existing, — His Beatitude Sviatoslav
In such words the members of UGCC Permanent Synod of Bishops in their letter expressed gratitude to the Catholic Episcopal Conferences, clergy, monastic orders, and laity of the Church, all Christians and people of goodwill for their solidarity with Ukraine throughout the events which took place in the last few months.
“In recent days we have seen how this campaign has escalated (the spreading of untruthful information – author) from certain political and spiritual authorities of the highest level, who share an aggressive tone and the technique of misrepresentation,” states the document.
Synod members contend that after a century of genocide and decades of fierce corruption and an intolerable social injustice, “the Ukrainian nation remains in an on-going inspired pilgrimage from fear and fraud towards dignity and integrity.”
“During freezing winter months, millions of people filled the squares not only of our, but also of your cities, in order to express their aspiration for a better life. All Ukrainian Churches and religious organizations maintained a unanimous position. For months they insisted that the president and the government have to respect their citizens, that violence is intolerable, that the division of society and the nation is amoral, and that dialogue is the only legitimate manner towards resolving political and social crisis,” – states the letter which, in the name of the Permanent Synod, was signed by His Beatitude Sviatoslav.
UGCC Bishops expressed their gratitude for “this prophetic unity” to all the brothers and sisters who share a faith: Roman-Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Muslim, and especially the representatives of the Orthodox Churches in Ukraine.
Authors of the letter constitute that in joining the peaceful demonstrations, in answer to the total corruption and persecution from the government, and the intolerable social conditions, millions of Ukrainians are cultivating a much greater inter-ethnic, inter-confessional and inter-cultural solidarity.
“The whole world was convinced that Ukraine is the home of numerous nationalities and religions, which co-exist peacefully; their renewed civic society protects its country and the general welfare. Together Ukrainian citizens have voiced their “NO” to tyranny, lack of law, violence, and irresponsibility, personal or social, inner or external, both inside the country as well as in the international sphere,” reads the document.
The bishops ask for continued prayers for peace in Ukraine, for a peace and a reconciliation based on justice. “Your benevolence towards Ukraine contains the power of transfiguration; it is an enormous support for our people on their pilgrimage route,” emphasize UGCC bishops in the letter “Ukraine on a pilgrimage -- thank you that you are together with us!”
Permanent Synod members also sent special words of gratitude to His Holiness Pope Francis “who supported us in his prayers and appealed for peace and justice in Ukraine.”
UGCC Department of Information
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