The Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, Kostyantyn Hryshchenko, visited the Hagia Sophia Cathedral in Rome
Wednesday, 20 March 2013, 14:13 On the 18th of March, the Hagia Sophia Cathedral in Rome was visited by the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, by Kostyantyn Hryshchenko, who is the official delegate from Ukraine at the enthronement of the new Pope of Rome. He was welcomed by the Head of the UGCC, by His Beatitude Sviatoslav (Shevchuk).On the 18th of March, the Hagia Sophia Cathedral in Rome was visited by the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, by Kostyantyn Hryshchenko, who is the official delegate from Ukraine at the enthronement of the new Pope of Rome. He was welcomed by the Head of the UGCC, by His Beatitude Sviatoslav (Shevchuk).
Having arrived to Italy, as a part of the official delegation, Kostyantyn Hryshchenko, first of all, visited the main Ukrainian sanctuary abroad – the Hagia Sophia Cathedral. He was accompanied by the Ambassador of Ukraine at the Apostolic Capital, Tetyana Izhevska and the Ambassador of Ukraine in the Republic of Italy, Yevhen Perelygin. The President of the Society of Ukrainian Catholics "Hagia Sophia", Fr. Ivan Datsko, informed the visitor about the main mosaics of the church, told about the return of Patriarch Joseph from the exile in Siberia and about his activities in Rome. After the guided tour around the cathedral, the Vice Prime Minister laid a wreath to the monument of Taras Shevchenko, which was established on the territory of the Hagia Sophia complex of the UGCC. "It is the first time that I see such a monument to Taras Shevchenko" – pointed out the official from Ukraine. It should be noted that the monument in the Italian capital stands out for its originality - Shevchenko appears in the form of ancient philosopher with the right hand being raised in greeting.
Having enquired His Beatitude Sviatoslav about the position of Pope Francis regarding Ukraine, Kostyantyn Hryshchenko also wanted to visit the crypt of the church: in which there was buried Fr. Stepan Chmil, Ukrainian priest, who taught the newly elected Apostolic Pope. The representative of Ukraine also visited an exhibition, devoted to the 20th anniversary since the UGCC emerged from the underground.
"I am pleasantly surprised by such presence of Ukraine in Italy. I have been to Rome several times, however it is the first time that I feel Rome to be so Ukrainian. This is a real piece of Ukraine in the Italian capital", - pointed out the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine.
It should be added that the Ukrainian official came to the Vatican so as, tomorrow, on the 19th of March, on behalf of President Viktor Yanukovych, to take part in the inauguration of Pope Francis. "Ukraine, as a country, which is based on common for all European countries Christian values, and will mark the 1025th anniversary since the Christening of Kievan Rus, with the activities of the new Pope of Rome hopes for further fruitful development of a traditionally good relations with the Holy See," – informs the press-service of the Vice Prime Minister.
Photo report
Report made by Andriy Soletskyi
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