The second series of webinars of the UGCC to be devoted to bioethics
Tuesday, 02 November 2010, 11:12 At noon on Tuesday, November 2, the UGCC will begin a series of webinars on bioethics. The first online seminar, "The History and Reasons for the Emergence of Bioethics,” will be conducted by Fr. Ihor Boyko, Ph.D., the dean of the Philosophy and Theology Department of the Ukrainian Catholic University. Web seminars on bioethics will be held twice a month. The next webinar will be called "Types of Prenatal Diagnosis and its Ethical Evaluation.”
At noon on Tuesday, November 2, the UGCC will begin a series of webinars on bioethics. The first online seminar, "The History and Reasons for the Emergence of Bioethics,” will be conducted by Fr. Ihor Boyko, Ph.D., the dean of the Philosophy and Theology Department of the Ukrainian Catholic University.
Web seminars on bioethics will be held twice a month. The next webinar will be called "Types of Prenatal Diagnosis and its Ethical Evaluation.”
We ask all interested individuals to send an e-mail to [email protected] with the subject: Registration for Webinar. Please include your first and last name in the letter. Before the beginning of webinar you will receive your link to connect. The link will be active no earlier than 20 minutes before the webinar. The webinar will last about an hour.
The speaker of the webinar on bioethics is a renowned expert in moral theology. Fr. Ihor’s academic interests include contemporary moral and bioethical issues – reproductive technology and their moral evaluation, ethics of prenatal examination, abortion and euthanasia, stem cells and their use in medicine, ethics of transplants and the problematics of suicide.
In 2006 Fr. Ihor Boyko obtained a doctorate in moral theology at Lateran University, the Higher Institute of Moral Theology, Academy of St. Alphons in Rome (Italy), where in 2002 he received a licentiate in moral theology. He began his philosophical studies at the Pontifical Urban University in Rome in 1995, and in 2000 he obtained his first degree in theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University.
We remind that the project of webinars in UGCC began in June of this year with a series of seminars on the history of the Church. The first online seminar "The Unity Between the Orthodox and Greek Catholics in the Theological Vision of Patriarch Joseph Slipyj" was led by the director of the Institute of Church History of the Ukrainian Catholic University, Fr. Andriy Mykhaleyko, Ph.D. The first webinar is available at this link: (37:05, 26 МB).
The second webinar, "The Legalization of the UGCC in the Context of Interdenominational Relations in Ukraine (1988-1991),” was held by Fr. Taras Bublyk. It can by viewed at this link: (35:51 min., 24.8 MB).
Starting in November 2010 webinars on the history of church will be held regularly twice a month. On November 9 at 3 p.m. will be held a webinar entitled: " Metropolitan Sheptytsky and the Question of Church Unity." It will be conducted by Fr. Andriy Mykhaleyko, PhD.
Background information. A webinar is an online event where one or more speakers can seminars, meetings, and conferences hold on the Internet or a corporate network for groups ranging anywhere from a few to a few thousand people. Webinars can include voting sessions and questioning, providing complete cooperation between the audience and the leader. During the webinars the software allows participants to see and hear the speaker and allows them to ask questions in text form.
Information Department of the UGCC
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