The representative of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church took part in the International Youth Environmental Forum
Monday, 28 April 2014, 15:09 From 23 to 27 April 2014 God in Slavutich of Kiev Region the IXth International Youth Environmental Forum on ecology and the First International Festival of Cinema and Urban " 86", which is held this year under the slogan "From ecology to ecology soul life" are taking place.
See also:
- His Beatitude Sviatoslav convenes online All Church Forum of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church
- Voluntariness, accessibility, safety - the position of the UGCC on the issue of vaccination from Covid-19
- His Beatitude Sviatoslav visited the II UGCC Migrant Forum in Rome dedicated to youth
The purpose of this forum is to engage young people in civic life through environmental education, environmental awareness of children and young people on the basis of universal values.
ON April 24 Fr. Yuri Lohaza, the priest of the Kievan archdiocese of the UGCC, who cares about the community Slavutich, took part at the plenary session. The administrator of the local parish , made a presentation on the theme " Human Ecology as a precondition for solvinging environmental problems ," which acquainted the participants with the basic structural units of " human ecology " and briefly showed the relationship between " human ecology " and condition of the environment.
After the report the priest also presented the activities of the Environment Bureau of the UGCC and the main activities of this church institution and acquainted the participants with practical initiatives that the Church implements in the field of God created world - nature.
During the meeting, each participant of the meeting was able to read some publications of Ekobyuro . The participants received a specially prepared booklets and church- ecological calendar for 2014 , which briefly picked ecological Church doctrine of the Blessed John Paul II, to view the environmental initiatives of the institutions of the UGCC .
At the end Fr. Jury wished all the participants to learn to look at the world around us as the creation of God. "For history not to know one more Chernobyl or similar technological and environmental disasters , we must change our lifestyle significantly and learn to live as the children of God in the common House- the Earth," - said the spiritual father .
Information Service Bureau of the UGCC

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