The president of UCU presented the inventor Mykhailo Yarymovych with the award of Doctor Honoris Causa
Wednesday, 13 October 2021, 17:18 Archbishop Borys Gudziak of Philadelphia, President of UCU, conferred the award of honorary Doctor Honoris Causa of the Ukrainian Catholic University on Mykhailo Yarymovych, an inventor in the field of flight and space experiments in the United States, a full member of the scientific society named after him. Shevchenko, honorary member of the Society of Ukrainian Engineers in America.
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The award ceremony took place on October 10 after the hierarchical liturgy at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Philadelphia. The award ceremony was also attended by UCU Vice-Rector Myroslav Marynovych, the doctor's family, a group of Lviv donors who came to the charity folk ball "Perelaz", as well as parishioners of the church.
The award of the title of Honorary Doctor to Mykhailo Yarymovych was officially announced in September this year, during the celebration of the UCU days, where he gave a lecture on his vision of human evolution.
Thereafter, Yaroslav Pritula, dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences of UCU, spoke about the numerous achievements of the inventor. He noted that when collecting information about Mykhailo Yarymovych, he never ceased to be surprised by his energy, perseverance and love of science and technology.
"A person can do really much setting himself high or really cosmic goals, as we can say in his case, step by step implementing them. I am sure that Dr. Mykhailo Yarymovych should become an example for our students in how to combine knowledge and the power of technology with love for their native land and faith in God, how to generate changes on a global scale. I would like to sincerely thank Dr. Yarymovych on behalf of all mankind for the example of service, the fruits of which we use daily! And I want to be even happier for our community of the Ukrainian Catholic University, of which, now as an Honorary Doctor, Mykhailo Yarymovych is becoming a part," Yaroslav Prytula said.
Mykhailo Yarymovych is an inventor in the field of flight and space experiments in the United States, a full member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, honorary member of the Society of Ukrainian Engineers in America. He started his career in the space industry: testing rocket heads and controlling spacecraft for AVCO, and later at NASA he designed the first leading Apollo systems.
Subsequently, he began working at the US Department of Defense, where he participated in the development of new space projects – Space Shuttle and GPS. In 1970, he served as director of the NATO aerospace research and Development Advisory Group in Paris, and later became chief scientist of the US Air Force in Washington. In 1977, Mykhailo Yarymovych became Vice President for space and defense engineering of anti-missile carriers at Rockwell International. He finished his technical career in 1998 at Boeing as vice president of international technology.
Mykhailo Yarymovych is also the author of numerous works on aerodynamics and space technology and their practical application. For his fruitful scientific and organizational activities, the scientist was many times distinguished by American government agencies, international organizations and aerospace institutions. In 1973, he was awarded the highest award for special services in civil service with the United States Air Force.

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