The Head of the UGCC in Kropyvnytsky: "The Savior Himself tells each of us today: don't cry, don't be sad"
Monday, 07 November 2016, 21:32 The Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church His Beatitude Sviatoslav consecrated the Temple of St. John the Baptist in Kropyvnytsky. He was joined by Bishop Mykhailo (Bubniy), the Exarch of Odessa.-
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In his homily to the faithful the Primate of the Church observed that everyone "who is looking towards Ukraine now, which fights for its life, can very easily recognize the situation in our cities and villages, which we are reading in the Gospel about - the situation in the town of Nain in Galilee". "We are feeling as if under a siege of death. How many similar burial processions walk through our towns and villages, how many mothers are crying over their children, who are brought breathless from the front", said His Beatitude Sviatoslav.
And we ask ourselves, says the Head of the Church, each other and, first and foremost, the Lord our God, where is the way out of the situation, what awaits us tomorrow, and if there is any hope for us. "Once, - said the preacher, - a venerable representative of the Canadian Church asked me, whether you, in Ukraine, have hope. I answered him: of course, we have, because we are Christians. This word about God visiting His people we, in Ukraine, experience in a special way. Today we can say that the Lord our God is not just visiting us, is not just offering us the hand of help and a chance to survive, but also that in Him there is our hope and in Him there is our resurrection."
And where is this place of meeting God? "We receive the answer to this question in a unique way in this holy temple," believes His Beatitude Sviatoslav.
"Today here, in consecration of the temple in the city of Kropyvnytsky," went on the Head of the Church, "the Lord our God is visiting His people. The Savior Himself tells each of us: Don't cry! Don't be sad! For I am taking you by your hand and lead with Me to the victory over sin and death, over sorrow, and open for you the doors of the eternal life".
His Beatitude Sviatoslav observed that the consecration of the altar is the source of resurrection... "If someone is looking for answers to his most difficult and deepest questions, here, through the word of His preaching the Divine Gospel, the Lord wants to speak to you, teaching you heavenly wisdom and proclaiming the good news about the eternal life. This is what a new temple means!" assures the hierarch.
The Head of the Church recalled that he is connected with the birth of the Greek Catholic community in Kirovograd, now Kropyvnytsky. "I remember how here, in 2005, our relative died and there wasn't even our priest to bury her. Being the rector of the Spiritual Seminary, I visited this just-born community, and then we prayed in the crypt of the Roman Catholic church... Then we came to this place and prayed: God, help our defenseless and powerless handful of people, who set their hope only on You. Since no one from the mighty ones or politicians didn't want to help the community in assuring their religious rights. And when they gave land for the temple, it was like a miracle," said the Primate.
The Head of the UGCC greeted the residents of Kropyvnytsky with the holiday of church consecration. "Such a temple can be an object of envy to any city. And mostly I greet you that today the Lord our God has visited you. I greet you that God is with us and in Him is our strength," in conclusion said His Beatitude Sviatoslav.
The UGCC Department of Information
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