The Head of the UGCC during the consecration of Bishop Yevgen Myroslav ( Popovych ) claimed: " The bishop is the one who manages the faithful " ( updated)
Tuesday, 24 December 2013, 21:27 On the 21st December in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Przemysl the Father and the Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church His Beatitude Svyatoslav (Shevchuk ) made the episcopal ordination of Fr. Yevgen Myroslav Popovych.-
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The coprelates were Archbishop Ivan (Martyniak), Metropolitan of Przemysl and Warsaw , and Bishop Volodymyr ( Jushchak ) ,the Bishop of Wroclaw and Gdansk .
"Our nation is wroth again . We do not know what to expect . We do not know what evidence will the Lord call our Church in Eastern Europe, but the ordination of Bishop Yevgen is a sign that the Lord will always be with us , "- said the patriarch in his sermon .
The Preacher remembered the words of Jesus Christ , "I will follow you wherever you go ." "Father Yevgen, how deeply today these words apply to you ", - His Beatitude addressed directly to Bishop Yevgen.
According to the Head of the UGCC , these words of Christ " deeply and accurately reveals us the meaning of this joy - new episcopal ordination , which we experience in the holy temple in ancient Przemysl ."
He reminded the faithful and the clergy who the bishop is : "Everyone who is called to the episcopal ministry should accomplish three tasks: to teach,to sanctify and to govern.To teach the word of God's truth. To point people to the truth of the living God , to help them to abdicate all that drives a person to secret life and bring all his life to light.The Bishop is the first evangelist of the God's Word,the successor of the Apostles , the carrier of the Kingdom of Heaven,the evangelist of the future salvation. The Bishop is always asked the answers to the most difficult question of our life. The bishop is the one who sanctifies believers . The bishop is the one who manages the faithful .He shows the right road in our life. He is the one who is the teacher of the people. "
According to the head of the UGCC , such teacher, preacher and saint is given to our Church by Christ.
"You do not know which paths the Lord will lead you to the episcopal ministry. You do not know what kind of challenges , tasks and patience will be on your life way , but be sure that He is in you and with you. He will always be the source of your life and ministry ", - the Head of the Church assured the bishop .
The consecration was held in the evening of the feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. Therefore the new appointed Bishop Yevgen was entrusted to the Virgin Mary .
"Let she, blameless conceived, will be your cover, your teacher , your joy and the power of your words " - wished the Patriarch from himself and the whole Church.
We recall that on December 21st, 2013 at St. John the Baptist Cathedral in Przemysl (Poland ) the episcopal ordination of Fr Yevgen Myroslav Popovych will be held .The Hierarchical Liturgy and the episcopal ordination will be held by the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church , His Beatitude Svyatoslav (Shevchuk ).The worship ceremony will begin at 10.00. The coprelates will be Archbishop Ivan ( Martyniak ), Metropolitan of Przemysl and Warsaw , and Bishop Volodymyr ( Jushchak ) ,the Bishop of Wroclaw and Gdansk .
As we reported on Monday, Nov. 4, 2013 , the Holy Father appointed Fr Yevgen Myroslav Popovych as an assistant bishop of Przemysl and Warsaw archdiocese of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Poland , giving him the titular seat of Horretseliya (Horrea coelias). Since 1996 , Fr. Yevgen has served as the protosyncellus of the archdiocese and the pastor of the Cathedral in Przemysl.
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