Head of the UGCC : "To understand the meaning of what we are experiencing today ... in one hand we should hold the Scriptures, and in the other - Kobzar"
Monday, 10 March 2014, 16:42 It has been said today, Sunday of Orthodoxy, by Father and the Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Patriarch Sviatoslav ( Shevchuk) during the Hierarchical Liturgy at the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ.
See also:
- Appeal of His Beatitude Sviatoslav to the Sons and Daughters of the Ukrainian People in Ukraine and Abroad, and to all People of Good Will
- His Beatitude Sviatoslav congratulated Sisters of the Incarnate Word Order with on holding Cathedral Chapter
- A patriarchate for the UGCC is not only a title. Above all, it’s a way of existing, — His Beatitude Sviatoslav
The Hierarch said that on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, we especially feel the fullness of the apostolic faith of the Church of Christ, the truth of this belief. "The content of this Sunday is that now we'll have to endure a similar meeting, which once Moses and Nathanael endured. For «Orthodox» means fullness of conveyance» - fullness of conveyance of the possibility of meeting with the divine person of the Incarnate Son of God. It is the possibilities for us know the meaning of our own life and vocation. The content of our own historical existence and the moment that our nation is experiencing today , and thus our understanding of our mission in this life as Christians. For the open sky - this means that you can communicate with the living God. The ability to see and hear him, "- he explained.
That same day we also celebrate the 200th anniversary of the great prophet of the Ukrainian people, Taras Shevchenko. What is a prophet? "The Prophet - the human voice of God's Word. It is a messenger of God, whom the Lord chooses among his people, to bring His divine Word to their minds»- said the preacher.
The Head of the Church draws our attention to the fact that "the voice of our Taras is prophetic for us today". "We, who are speculating on the fate of our people, are called by the voice today to get out of the house of slavery, and it opens us the doors of freedom and happiness in our native land. To understand the meaning of what we are experiencing today with such fear and trembling, you should hold the Holy Scriptures in one hand and Kobzar of our Taras in the other. Then our hearts shall revive, and ears will open"- the Bishop urges.
He asks to note that " while reading Divine Word and hearing our prophet, you somehow differently percept those things , traveling to the holy hills of Kiev , places aspersed with the blood of the Heaven Hundred , Put your shoes off your feet , for the place which you stand on is holy . How differently we begin to understand and see that the glowing lights of the Maidan have been burning bush from which God spoke to us , saying, I am the God of your fathers - Prince Vladimir, Yaroslav the Wise. God who is with you, for crying voice of my people came to my ears. And here I am setting you free. "
«See how the voice of God through the words of Taras opens to us the meaning that God is with us. We are the men whom he frees. We are those people who are meant to be filled with His life-giving words that firmly established the heavens "- His Beatitude calls to pay attention to.
The preacher asked us all to pray for our Holy Land that gave our nation and all the world such a great prophet.
"Let us pray for our better fate for the unity and catholicity of the Ukrainian land, holy land, the holiness of which is felt particularly in Kiev. Let us pray for the indivisibility of our land, the Lord God protecting us all from the scourge of war and new bloodshed. And Taras set our heart and our conscience awaken with the incarnate word of eternal loving God of our fathers "- asked the Hierarch .
At the end of the Divine high priest thanked all those who prayed with him for our people, for our country, for our Ukraine . I remembered that our Church in Ukraine and around the world continue to pray and fast for Ukraine. Every evening at 21.00 we all have to stand before God and pray for our land. Kiev Major Archbishopric has strict fast on Mondays. Also, our Synod of Bishops identified individual intentions for every day of the week in this fast. On Monday, we pray for the parliament and the election of a new president on Tuesday - our new government on Wednesday - for the Ukrainian army, which is now in such a difficult situation, on Thursday - for the police, on Friday - for all the injured on the Maidan, on Saturday - for those who died, for the Heaven Hundred and all the deceased. Every Sunday, like today, we pray for the unity and indivisibility of the Ukrainian land, the Ukrainian state.
"I beg you not to stop the prayer, because we still have a long way before we say that the Ukrainian people have won in their own land» - asked the Нead of the Church.
UGCC Information Department of The Hierarch said that on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, we especially feel the fullness of the apostolic faith of the Church of Christ, the truth of this belief. "The content of this Sunday is that now we'll have to endure a similar meeting, which once Moses and Nathanael endured. For «Orthodox» means fullness of conveyance» - fullness of conveyance of the possibility of meeting with the divine person of the Incarnate Son of God. It is the possibilities for us know the meaning of our own life and vocation. The content of our own historical existence and the moment that our nation is experiencing today , and thus our understanding of our mission in this life as Christians. For the open sky - this means that you can communicate with the living God. The ability to see and hear him, "- he explained.
That same day we also celebrate the 200th anniversary of the great prophet of the Ukrainian people, Taras Shevchenko. What is a prophet? "The Prophet - the human voice of God's Word. It is a messenger of God, whom the Lord chooses among his people, to bring His divine Word to their minds»- said the preacher.
The Head of the Church draws our attention to the fact that "the voice of our Taras is prophetic for us today". "We, who are speculating on the fate of our people, are called by the voice today to get out of the house of slavery, and it opens us the doors of freedom and happiness in our native land. To understand the meaning of what we are experiencing today with such fear and trembling, you should hold the Holy Scriptures in one hand and Kobzar of our Taras in the other. Then our hearts shall revive, and ears will open"- the Bishop urges.
He asks to note that " while reading Divine Word and hearing our prophet, you somehow differently percept those things , traveling to the holy hills of Kiev , places aspersed with the blood of the Heaven Hundred , Put your shoes off your feet , for the place which you stand on is holy . How differently we begin to understand and see that the glowing lights of the Maidan have been burning bush from which God spoke to us , saying, I am the God of your fathers - Prince Vladimir, Yaroslav the Wise. God who is with you, for crying voice of my people came to my ears. And here I am setting you free. "
«See how the voice of God through the words of Taras opens to us the meaning that God is with us. We are the men whom he frees. We are those people who are meant to be filled with His life-giving words that firmly established the heavens "- His Beatitude calls to pay attention to.
The preacher asked us all to pray for our Holy Land that gave our nation and all the world such a great prophet.
"Let us pray for our better fate for the unity and catholicity of the Ukrainian land, holy land, the holiness of which is felt particularly in Kiev. Let us pray for the indivisibility of our land, the Lord God protecting us all from the scourge of war and new bloodshed. And Taras set our heart and our conscience awaken with the incarnate word of eternal loving God of our fathers "- asked the Hierarch .
At the end of the Divine high priest thanked all those who prayed with him for our people, for our country, for our Ukraine . I remembered that our Church in Ukraine and around the world continue to pray and fast for Ukraine. Every evening at 21.00 we all have to stand before God and pray for our land. Kiev Major Archbishopric has strict fast on Mondays. Also, our Synod of Bishops identified individual intentions for every day of the week in this fast. On Monday, we pray for the parliament and the election of a new president on Tuesday - our new government on Wednesday - for the Ukrainian army, which is now in such a difficult situation, on Thursday - for the police, on Friday - for all the injured on the Maidan, on Saturday - for those who died, for the Heaven Hundred and all the deceased. Every Sunday, like today, we pray for the unity and indivisibility of the Ukrainian land, the Ukrainian state.
"I beg you not to stop the prayer, because we still have a long way before we say that the Ukrainian people have won in their own land» - asked the Нead of the Church.
UGCC Information Department The Hierarch said that on the Sunday of Orthodoxy, we especially feel the fullness of the apostolic faith of the Church of Christ, the truth of this belief. "The content of this Sunday is that now we'll have to endure a similar meeting, which once Moses and Nathanael endured. For «Orthodox» means fullness of conveyance» - fullness of conveyance of the possibility of meeting with the divine person of the Incarnate Son of God. It is the possibilities for us know the meaning of our own life and vocation. The content of our own historical existence and the moment that our nation is experiencing today , and thus our understanding of our mission in this life as Christians. For the open sky - this means that you can communicate with the living God. The ability to see and hear him, "- he explained.
That same day we also celebrate the 200th anniversary of the great prophet of the Ukrainian people, Taras Shevchenko. What is a prophet? "The Prophet - the human voice of God's Word. It is a messenger of God, whom the Lord chooses among his people, to bring His divine Word to their minds»- said the preacher.
The Head of the Church draws our attention to the fact that "the voice of our Taras is prophetic for us today". "We, who are speculating on the fate of our people, are called by the voice today to get out of the house of slavery, and it opens us the doors of freedom and happiness in our native land. To understand the meaning of what we are experiencing today with such fear and trembling, you should hold the Holy Scriptures in one hand and Kobzar of our Taras in the other. Then our hearts shall revive, and ears will open"- the Bishop urges.
He asks to note that " while reading Divine Word and hearing our prophet, you somehow differently percept those things , traveling to the holy hills of Kiev , places aspersed with the blood of the Heaven Hundred , Put your shoes off your feet , for the place which you stand on is holy . How differently we begin to understand and see that the glowing lights of the Maidan have been burning bush from which God spoke to us , saying, I am the God of your fathers - Prince Vladimir, Yaroslav the Wise. God who is with you, for crying voice of my people came to my ears. And here I am setting you free. "
«See how the voice of God through the words of Taras opens to us the meaning that God is with us. We are the men whom he frees. We are those people who are meant to be filled with His life-giving words that firmly established the heavens "- His Beatitude calls to pay attention to.
The preacher asked us all to pray for our Holy Land that gave our nation and all the world such a great prophet.
"Let us pray for our better fate for the unity and catholicity of the Ukrainian land, holy land, the holiness of which is felt particularly in Kiev. Let us pray for the indivisibility of our land, the Lord God protecting us all from the scourge of war and new bloodshed. And Taras set our heart and our conscience awaken with the incarnate word of eternal loving God of our fathers "- asked the Hierarch .
At the end of the Divine high priest thanked all those who prayed with him for our people, for our country, for our Ukraine . I remembered that our Church in Ukraine and around the world continue to pray and fast for Ukraine. Every evening at 21.00 we all have to stand before God and pray for our land. Kiev Major Archbishopric has strict fast on Mondays. Also, our Synod of Bishops identified individual intentions for every day of the week in this fast. On Monday, we pray for the parliament and the election of a new president on Tuesday - our new government on Wednesday - for the Ukrainian army, which is now in such a difficult situation, on Thursday - for the police, on Friday - for all the injured on the Maidan, on Saturday - for those who died, for the Heaven Hundred and all the deceased. Every Sunday, like today, we pray for the unity and indivisibility of the Ukrainian land, the Ukrainian state.
"I beg you not to stop the prayer, because we still have a long way before we say that the Ukrainian people have won in their own land» - asked the Нead of the Church.
Department of Information UGCC

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