The European bishops to the United Nations: stop the cycle of violence in Iraq
Wednesday, 13 August 2014, 17:11 The Council of European Bishops’ Conferences has sent a letter signed by the Presidents of Bishops’ Conferences from the entire continent members of CCEE to the United Nations Security Council.-
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- The Prime Minister meets with the Head of the UGCC and the President of the Council of Bishops' Conferences of Europe
- Archbishop Gintaras Grušas visits Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection and meets with UGCC Head
- President of the Council of European Bishops' Conferences Archbishop Gintaras Grušas visits wounded Ukrainian soldiers
In it the bishops call on the international community to take urgent “decisions to put an end to the atrocious actions against Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq”. A copy of this letter will be handed over to different European governments and European Union authorities that they might join in this appeal.
The European bishops hope that other institutional, cultural and religious bodies might join in this initiative condemning what is happening in this violation of the right to life, security and religious freedom.
It is urgent – the prelates state – to undertake concrete humanitarian steps to respond to the desperate situation of the Iraqi Christians and hope that “in this case, too, the international community may be able to respond with rapid assistance to the many refugees and guarantee their security in returning to their cities and homes”.
The Catholic Church in Europe wishes to express its closeness to all those who are experiencing moments of fear and terror. It is committed to carrying out gestures of solidarity which are already underway to support the suffering peoples and families. The bishops assure them of their prayers for peace and with great dedication raise their voices in calling on the United Nations to act with the necessary urgency on behalf of these and all the other victims of war and violence who are suffering and awaiting the world’s solidarity.
Attached is the full text of the letter and list of signatories.
Press service CCEE
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