The creation of a monument to His Beatitude Lubomyr is an inner need to thank God for the great people He has been giving to Ukraine, Fr. Hryhoriy Rohatsky
Thursday, 27 August 2020, 13:05 A monument to His Beatitude Lubomyr Husar will soon be erected in Vinnytsia - perhaps one of the first such monuments in the world. A few weeks ago, His Beatitude Sviatoslav and Bishop Yosyf Milian, one of the initiators of its construction, inspected the almost finished sculpture. And another author of this idea - the priest of the parish of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin in Vinnytsia, Father Hryhoriy Rohatsky - spoke on the air of "Good Conversation" program with Halyna Babiy about the final stages of work on the monument as part of the Vinnytsia project dedicated to His Beatitude Lubomyr.The idea for the monument, as Father Hryhoriy recalls, arose naturally as an inner need to thank God for the great people He has been giving to Ukraine. "It is a wonder how God loves our people and our Church if he sends us such people in times when they need them."
The monument created by sculptors Oles Sydoruk and Borys Krylov is, in fact, ready and will be cast in bronze soon at the plant in Vyshneve, near Kyiv. Father Hryhoriy Rohatsky says that the important point of this sculpture is simplicity.
There was this simplicity in the life, behavior, communication of His Beatitude Lubomyr - the deep wisdom that a person draws from the Word of God, from a personal connection with God. That is why the figure in the monument is very simple, familiar - even the vest he wore… The sage stands leaning on a staff… By the way, also an interesting detail: the sculptors used a real staff for this image, which was given to His Beatitude Lubomyr by prisoners - he valued it very much."
It is also interesting that in the clothes of the sculpture the authors added Vinnytsia ornaments. The priest said that, among other things, His Beatitude Lubomyr was connected with Vinnytsia through his father, who came to this place as a member of the Ukrainian Galician Army in 1919. Lubomyr Husar himself was in Vinnytsia only twice in 2012: at a meeting dedicated to his spiritual father Josyf Slipyj, and at the consecration of the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin.
The project of the monument to His Beatitude Lubomyr in Vinnytsia can be supported via the following requisites:
hryvnias: 5168 7574 0178 0160 (hryvnias UAH Privat, Rogatsky Vasily Ivanovich)
- dollars: 4149 4991 2522 1422 (USD, ROHATSKYI VASYL),
IBAN - UA693052990000026207873344131
- euro: 5168 7427 2851 4351 (EUR, ROHATSKYI VASYL),
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