“The Church is simultaneously young and ancient” – His Beatitude Sviatoslav
Saturday, 21 May 2011, 23:18 According to a reporter of the “SoborNews”, His Beatitude Sviatoslav met on 17 May with students of Kyiv in the Cultural-Artistic center of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. This event was organized jointly by Kyiv association “Obnova” and the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Active support for organization of the event was given by the Patriarchal Society of Saint Volodymyr and Kyiv-Mohyla Business School.
According to a reporter of the “SoborNews”, His Beatitude Sviatoslav met on 17 May with students of Kyiv in the Cultural-Artistic center of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. This event was organized jointly by Kyiv association “Obnova” and the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Active support for organization of the event was given by the Patriarchal Society of Saint Volodymyr and Kyiv-Mohyla Business School.
“The Church is a continuation of the mystery of the Incarnation in time and space. The mystery of the Incarnation is a union of the Divine and human natures united in the one person of Christ. Thus, we have a union of eternal and temporary, of the non-created world with the created one” – said the Head of the UGCC.
According to His Beatitude Sviatoslav, the youthfulness of the UGCC can be seen in the fact that an average Ukrainian Greek Catholic priest is 35 years old. The Head of the UGCC himself resembles this fact. “When I was called to Episcopal ministry, I was only 39 years old. For one year I have been the youngest Catholic Bishop in the world. So when I came to Argentina, this created a sensation. Everybody wanted to see the youngest Bishop” – noted His Beatitude Sviatoslav.
The President of the National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy Serhiy Kvit presented the Head of the UGCC to the students. His Beatitude talked about the Church which is eternally young and modern. Everyone present at the meeting could ask the Primate of the UGCC a question. After the meeting with the youth, the Head of the UGCC also paid a visit to the ecumenical iconographic studio of the Research Center of Ukrainian Sacred Culture there at the Academy.
The Head of Kyiv “Obnova,” Khrystyna Kholodnycka, said that it was a pleasure for the Association to arrange meetings of the youth with the UGCC leadership. “This is the second meeting which we have organized jointly with Kyiv Mohyla Academy for the young people of Kyiv. In February we organized a meeting of the youth with His Beatitude Lubomyr right after his resignation. We are certain that these meetings help young people to consider the right questions about their faith and the Church, and find their way on the path of life” – notes the Head of Kyiv “Obnova”.
According to the organizers of the event, the young people came to the meeting with the Head of the UGCC not only to listen to him, but also to ask him questions – both philosophical and practical. A student named Nastya remarked after the meeting: “He [His Beatitude Sviatoslav] always talks in a very simple and clever way. In my opinion, it is a very good example for us young people, because very often we see and experience something different. He is a simple man and he has achieved a lot for his profound thinking. We are proud of his authority.”
The UGCC Primate promised that the meetings with the students would be held on a regular basis, since he likes communicating very much with the youth.
UGCC Information Department
Reference: Kyiv organization “Obnova” was founded in autumn 2006 upon the initiative of Mrs. Roma Haida. The organization belongs to the Federation of Ukrainian Catholic Academic and Student Associations “Obnova”. The main objective of the association is to bring up modern Christian intelligentsia, to represent Ukrainian Christian youth before other student and public organizations in Ukraine and abroad, to bring up the youth in accordance with Christian spirituality and morals, Ukrainian traditions and charitable activity. Currently the Head of Kyiv “Obnova” is Khrystyna Kholodnycka, Spiritual Assistant – deacon Volodymyr Malchyn.
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