The 72nd Session of the Synod of Bishops of Kyiv-Galician Supreme Archbishopric of the UGCC
Saturday, 11 June 2016, 15:18 June, 7-8, 2016 at Marist Retreat Centre “Zarvanytsia” under the chairmanship of the Head and Father of the UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav was held the 72nd Session of the Synod of Bishops of Kyiv-Galician Supreme Archbishopric of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church.-
See also:
- His Beatitude Sviatoslav congratulated Sisters of the Incarnate Word Order with on holding Cathedral Chapter
- In Ukraine we want to move to a new calendar together with our orthodox brothers and sisters, - the Head of the UGCC
- Let us be grateful to God for being able to receive personally living water here, in Zarvanytsia, since it is impossible to quench thirst online, - the Head of the UGCC during the pilgrimage
All valid bishops of Kyiv-Galician Supreme Archbishopric of the UGCC were participating in the synodal meetings, except bishop Venedykt Aleksiychuk who was absent because of sole reasons. This session a newly appointed bishop Volodymyr Grutsa, bishop auxiliary of Lviv Archeparchy also participated equally in synodal meetings. Bishop Nil Lushchak, bishop auxiliary of Mukachevo Eparchy was also invited to synodal meetings.
The main theme of the present session of the Synod of Bishops of Kyiv-Galician Supreme Archbishopric was a problem of helping refugees in eparchies and exarchates of our Church in Ukraine, challenges referring to this problem nowadays and possible solutions to it. The main speakers at this theme were the leaders of the international charitable fund “Caritas Ukraine” Andriy Vaskovych, the President of this charitable organization and Dzvenyslava Chaikivska, chief of a lobbying group. Together with f-r Vasyl Ivaniuk, director of CO “Caritas-Kramatorsk” the day before synodal meetings they conducted for synodal priest a seminar on this theme. On the grounds of the information obtained from the seminar and discussions about it, bishops came to different decisions to improve Church maternal care of those people who suffered from military aggression directing against our country.
Apart from the main theme, priests of the synod considered questions about the ways of Polish-Ukrainian agreement for the sake of future. It was reported by His Beatitude Sviatoslav, particularly informing about An open appeal to the leaders of polish government, spiritual and cultural figures and all polish society.
About an activity of commissions of the Supreme Archbishopric and proposals relating to the celebration of Laity Day reported f-r Petro Rak, head of Department of Church commissions. F-r Bohdan Tymchyshyn and family of Roman and Natalia Prokopivy, members of Christian Family Movement provided a report on the activity of the UGCC Commission on Family Issues.
Regarding other themes to have been discussed was heard and approved the report on the activity of Coordination Council for pastoral care issues in critical situations, compiled by its head - bishop Bohdan Manyshyn.
The synod listened attentively to f-r Bohdan Prakh, rector of Ukrainian Catholic University who reported on plans of development this educational church institution and new opportunities to serve Church and people coming forth.
Members of the synod acquainted with the information about holding a dialogue with UAOC after its eparchial council. This information was presented by His Beatitude Sviatoslav and bishop Vasyl Tuchapets and submitted afterwards.
His Excellency bishop Josyf Milian, the head of the Department of Pastoral Migration of the Patriarchal Curia reported on the preparation to the pilgrimage of Ukrainian emigrants in Europe to Fatima (Portugal) and the meeting of European catholic bishops in Fatima in October, 2016. It will be dedicated to the pastoral care of east catholic emigrants in western countries.
The synod looked over the state of fulfilment the program of corruption resistance which had to be executed by Commission “Justice and Peace” in cooperation with all others institutions of Patriarchal Curia of the UGCC. F-r Oleg Luka, deputy head of the UGCC Commission “Justice and Peace” and Petro Darmoris, the teacher of UCU and representative of the UGCC Commission “Justice and Peace” presented a report on the state of realization this program and proposals concerning more effective realization of it. The synod accepted these proposals and stated them as viable solutions.
The synod considered attentively issues and adopted appropriate solutions regarding chaplain service for wounded in ATO zone what was reported by f-r Ruslan Piasta, head of Commission on Pastoral Health Care.
Priests of the synod heard and took into consideration the report on the state of implementation the Strategy 2020 in Kyiv Galician Supreme Archbishopric, delivered by f-r Mykhailo Garvat, member of the working group of adopting the strategy of the UGCC “The Vibrant Parish”.
Members of the Synod of Bishops of Kyiv-Galician Supreme Archbishopric of the UGCC reacted on the dramatic events connected with the fire at Grybovychi junkyard in the suburbs of Lviv and accepted a solution correspondent to it.
The 73rd session of the Synod of Bishops of Kyiv Galician Supreme Archbishopric of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church is agreed to hold in November, 2016.
The Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops
of Kyiv-Galician Supreme Archbishopric of the UGCC
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