Statement of Metropolitan-Archbishop Stefan Soroka on the Suffering and Hardships as a Result of Hurricane Harvey and its Aftermath
Thursday, 31 August 2017, 11:48 Metropolitan Stefan Soroka, together with Bishop John Bura and Bishop Andriy Rabiy, clergy, religious and faithful, pray for those suffering as a result of the damage and flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey, especially in Texas and Louisiana.-
See also:
- Fire Destroys St. Mary's Ukrainian Catholic Church in Carteret, New Jersey
- Pope Francis Appoints Auxiliary Bishop Andriy Rabiy as Apostolic Administrator of the Ukrainian Archeparchy of Philadelphia
- Tragedy confronts our thoughts as to the value of life
Let us remember in our prayers those who died and their grieving families and community. Let us also remember those who suffered loss of their homes and earthly possessions as we ask Our Lord to give them His grace, wisdom and courage as they move forward with their lives and look forward to a new day filled with hope. Let us offer prayers of gratitude for the many first responders and the medical professionals who so quickly rendered life-saving help to rescue many of the victims, especially those from the flooded communities.
We pray that the victims may find comfort in the reassuring words of the Prophet Jeremiah: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jer. 29:11).
Several years ago, a Domestic Disaster Recovery Fund was established by our Philadelphia Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy to aid victims recovering from such disasters as Hurricane Harvey. These disasters remind all of us of the fragile nature as we witness our neighbors suffering loss of life and material possessions. In times such as these, we are called to assist our neighbors in need. If you would like to make a donation for the humanitarian needs of the victims of Hurricane Harvey, please send your gift to the attention of this fund:
Domestic Disaster Recovery Fund
c/o Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia
810 N. Franklin Street
Philadelphia, Pa 19123
Income tax receipts will be issued. While such donations may be made at any time, they are especially needed following the occurrence of tragic events in the United States. We become instruments of His healing as we pray and assist others in their difficult times of need.
May God bless you for your prayers and financial generosity for the needs of our neighbors at this time.
Special Petitions for the Victims of Hurricane Harvey
You may take one or several of these petitions in the ektenia after the Gospel
For those who experienced the destructive forces of Hurricane Harvey and the subsequent flooding and now endure the anguish and suffering from personal injury and the loss of property, we pray You, hear us and have mercy.
Lord, have mercy! (3 x)
For those called home to the Lord during this natural disaster of Hurricane Harvey and the subsequent flooding, may they be granted rest in the bosom of Abraham and numbered among the saints and may their grieving loved ones be comforted by Your divine grace, we pray You, hear us and have mercy.
Lord, have mercy! (3 x)
For all those involved in serving their neighbor during this time including the first responders and those assisting in the continuing relief efforts of the victims of Hurricane Harvey and the subsequent flooding, strengthen them in mind, body and soul and inspire all of us to be charitable with our generosity to our brothers and sisters in their time of need, we pray You, hear us and have mercy.
Lord, have mercy! (3 x)
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