Sports competitions in Szprotawa - GREEK CATHOLIC "Parafiyada"
Wednesday, 16 October 2013, 11:56 On Saturday, October 12, 2013 in Szprotawa within the Greek - Catholic " Parafiyada " of Wroclaw - Gdansk diocese XII Football competitions in indoor soccer for boys and girls occurred. Simultaneously competitions in table tennis and the third competition of chess were held. Competitions were held for children and youth of Wrocław and Zelenogorsk deaneries.Eight teams participated in competitions of five-a-side. At first competitions were held between groups. Young players played 23 matches in the tournament. The final team of Zam’yenits beat Legnica 2-1. In the younger group, the order of priority was the following: 1. Zam`yenitse 2. Lihnytsya 3. Wroclaw 4. Green Mountain, 5. Mendzyzhech , 6. Wroclaw II, 7. Zam`yenitse - girl, 8. Wroclaw III. The girls played together with the boys and Julia Kisielevska from Wroclaw received individual distinction .
In the older group mixed teams of boys Pshemkova, Legnica and girls from Zam`yenits haveplayed . At the end of the competition a team of parents and priests played two matches. The first match score was 2-2 in the second match combined team won 3:2.
Each team received a ball, a cup, medals, the prize sponsor was a diocese of Wroclaw - Gdansk (with contributions gathered in time of pastoral visits).
Individually in the younger group were boys top scorer: Peter Romanyak from Zam`yenits, Matt Juszczak from Zelena Gora, Milos Vislotskyy from Wroclaw and Daniel Starinskiy from Legnica. The best goalkeepers were represented by teams of Zamyenits, Legnica, Wroclaw and Zelenoiyi and Mountains .
All of the youngest members of our competition received medals .
In individual competitions in table tennis the order of priority was the following:
Primary school - 1. Paul Hronostal from Zamyenits, 2. Michael Bischak of Legnica, Michael Hozhynskyy from Zamyenits .
Gymnasium :
- Boys: 1. Peter Romanyak from Zamyenits, 2. Daniel Starinskiy from Legnica, 3. Thomas Pasternak from Novohrodu Bobzh .
- Girls: 1. Ulya Petsuh from Pozzhadla , 2. Anna Striletska from Modla 3 . Anna Yatsenik from Pozzhadla .
High School: Jaroslav Stremetskyy of Legnica. 2.Patrick Syutkovskyy from Pschemkova, 3. Gregory Pupchyk from Pshemkova.
Each participant received an award. Competitions in table tennis were held by Fr. Andrew Bunzylo.
In the competitions of chess 9 children took part as well as parents. Anna Karlyk was in charge of holding the competitions. Participants were divided into 2 categories.
In the younger group the order of priority was following: 1. Paul Komar from Wroclaw, 2. Anna Karlyk from Novohrodu Bobzh, 3. Martyn Chomiak from Szprotawa .
In the older group was the order of priority was following: 1. Artur Nowakowski from Wroclaw , 2. Maria Karlyk fromNovohrodu Bobzh . 3. John Kochanskyy from Zamyenits. 4. Martyn Chomyak from Szprotawa, 5. Thomas Pasternak from Novohrodu Bobzh. 6. Nicola Lis. All competitors were also awarded.
Awards were invested by Fr. Miroslav Drapala and Fr. Paul Berezka and Fr. Arkady Trokhanovsky .
The organizers of PARAFIYADA in Szprotawa were Commission of Children and Youth Affairs, Pastoral of Sports of Wroclaw - Gdansk Diocese. Sponsored by: all Greek -Catholic parish, who participated in the competitions. Many thanks to all the sponsors .
I would like to thank all our fathers of parishes of Wrocław and Zelenogorskoe dean, judges, guardians and parents.
Thank you and hope that in a year there will be more of us.
See you next event and let the best win .
Fr. Arkadiy Trokhanovsky
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