Sheptytsky Hospital Charitable Foundation launches rehabilitation program for post-COVID patients “COVcheg”
Thursday, 29 October 2020, 12:02 A new service has appeared in Sheptytsky Hospital - rehabilitation of post-COVID patients, where each of them will receive a consultation with an individual plan of examination and rehabilitation.-
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The main purpose of the rehabilitation program is to normalize the work of the whole organism, restore physical activity, eliminate problems with sleep, stress, and emotional distress associated with the disease.
“Our clinic takes a comprehensive approach to the treatment and recovery of each patient. Specialists in various specialties - therapists, psychotherapists, cardiologists, neurologists, pulmonologists will work together to monitor the recovery process, prevent complications, detect and treat comorbidity in a timely manner, " they said in the hospital.
Duration, frequency of dispensary observation - from 6 to 24 months - it depends on the patient's condition. A detailed rehabilitation plan will be made by a doctor after the initial consultation.
Coronavirus infection disrupts functions of the circulatory system and cardiovascular system. The process of their recovery is long, requires a lot of effort. It all depends on the initial state of health of the patient and the severity of the disease.
According to the experts of the medical institution, with a mild or asymptomatic course of infection, recovery takes two to three months, and with a more severe process - more than a year. With timely correction and regular monitoring, the disease can be controlled in order to avoid adverse effects.
For more information about the rehabilitation program for post-COVID patients “COVcheg,” click on the link:
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