Resurrection Day is the greatest and the most important Victory Day for us
Thursday, 02 June 2011, 14:55 Such a conclusion reaches the Synod of Bishops of Kyiv-Halych Major Archbishopric of the UGCC in its Appeal for preservation of social peace. The Synod sets forth its conclusion by referring to the fact that “on the day of Resurrection an enemy of the human race, i.e. devil, was defeated, and in Christ all of us gained the victory”. The most important gift of the Risen Christ, according to the Synod, is peace. “This peace of Christ is one of the most fundamental values of our Ukrainian society, and we should continually thank God for it”- reads the Appeal.
Such a conclusion reaches the Synod of Bishops of Kyiv-Halych Major Archbishopric of the UGCC in its Appeal for preservation of social peace. The Synod sets forth its conclusion by referring to the fact that “on the day of Resurrection an enemy of the human race, i.e. devil, was defeated, and in Christ all of us gained the victory”.
The most important gift of the Risen Christ, according to the Synod, is peace. “This peace of Christ is one of the most fundamental values of our Ukrainian society, and we should continually thank God for it”- reads the Appeal.
“Even though in modern Ukrainian history there were many attempts to disrupt social peace and inflame conflicts among different confessions, ethnic and regional communities, fortunately for us during the Independence period, God’s peace among us always prevailed over the human wickedness and hatred” – remarked the UGCC Bishops.
Recalling the events in Lviv on 9 May of this year, the members of the Synod remarked, “Recently we have witnessed how some powers tried to bring a confrontation into our society, even provoking conflicts in such a way as to disrupt, or even destroy, social peace and harmony.”
With sadness the authors of the Appeal state that “Especially on the days when we were supposed to be united in prayer for millions of victims of the Second World War with grateful memory to recall all those who fought for freedom and Independence of our motherland, an attempt was made to bring hostility and confrontation, which undermined the peace and unity of the nation and of the State”.
“One should not provoke people, especially inexperienced youth, to violent clashes with real or imaginary uprisings of conflict. The only correct pathway for us is to mature fully in freedom and responsibility. For our government, this means learning how to be the servants of people. For our people, it means becoming aware and responsible citizens basing ones actions on God’s Law especially during the elections” – said the members of the Synod of Bishops of Kyiv-Halych Major Archbishopric, in its Appeal for preservation of social peace.
UGCC Information Department
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