On the third working day of the V session of the UGCC Patriarchal Sobor
Wednesday, 07 September 2011, 11:57 On 3 September 2011, concluded its work the V session of the UGCC Patriarchal Sobor which was held in Prudentopolis, Brazil. The theme of the third working day was “Formation of religious people”. The central event of the day was a Divine Liturgy presided at by Most Rev. Ihor (Vozniak), Archbishop of Lviv. In the Liturgy also participated His Beatitude Sviatoslav and Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri, Apostolic Nuncio to Brazil. The UGCC Primate observed that it was for the first time that the UGCC Patriarchal Council was attended by an Apostolic Nuncio. The Vatican representative addressed the Sobor delegates with a speech. After that His Beatitude Sviatoslav handed over to the Nuncio a letter from the Sobor delegates addressed to the Holy Father Benedict XVI. The UGCC Head also testified the unity of our Church with the Roman Pontiff.
On 3 September 2011, concluded its work the V session of the UGCC Patriarchal Sobor which was held in Prudentopolis, Brazil. The theme of the third working day was “Formation of religious people”.
The first presenter, Rev. Marko Morozovych from the USA, highlighted that the source of liturgical and spiritual formation of religious people is a liturgical prayer which leads us to a deep personal encounter with Jesus Christ. After that Mr. Pavlo Nohas, a lay representative from Curitiba Eparchy, in his co-presentation analyzed the family influence on flourishing vocations to religious life. Mr. Nazar Duda talked on the role of youth organization and Sr. Janice Soluk, SSMI, on the role of parish communities in flourishing vocations to religious life.
The morning session concluded with a presentation delivered by His Beatitude Sviatoslav (Shevchuk) who emphasized the role of intellectual formation in the life of religious people. The Head of the UGCC said that the aim of the intellectual formation consists in a deeper understanding of Triune God. He also noted that as the tradition of monastic life in the East reveals, precisely monastic communities were the seats of education and culture which in their search of divine truth united their brethren and sisters but also were open for a general public. The UGCC Primate also stressed that the main program of monastic formation should be based on Eastern-Christian Tradition of our Church, teaching of the Fathers of the Church, Bible studies and liturgical patrimony of the Churches of Byzantine Tradition.
The central event of the day was a Divine Liturgy presided at by Most Rev. Ihor (Vozniak), Archbishop of Lviv. In the Liturgy also participated His Beatitude Sviatoslav and Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri, Apostolic Nuncio to Brazil. The UGCC Primate observed that it was for the first time that the UGCC Patriarchal Council was attended by an Apostolic Nuncio. The Vatican representative addressed the Sobor delegates with a speech. After that His Beatitude Sviatoslav handed over to the Nuncio a letter from the Sobor delegates addressed to the Holy Father Benedict XVI. The UGCC Head also testified the unity of our Church with the Roman Pontiff.
In the afternoon session Rev. Vasyl Kovbych, Protoarchimandrite of the Basilian Order, delivered a presentation on “The central formation of religious people”. After that Bishop Dionisiy (Liakhovych), Apostolic Visitor for Ukrainian Greek Catholics in Italy and Spain, talked on the permanent formation in religious life.
After work in the groups, the Sobor delegates passed a resolution in the form of an address to the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC and a letter to religious people of the UGCC. In his closing word, His Beatitude Sviatoslav thanked all those who prepared the Sobor and participated in it, and said that 32 bishops, 24 eparchial priests, 28 lay people, 40 religious people and 50 guests participated in the Sobor, which, according to the Head of the UGCC, is an indication of the unity of the Church rich in various gifts.
His Beatitude Sviatoslav highly appreciated the work of religious people during the Council of religious people held in previous years. This work resulted in a concluding 2008 document of the first session of the Council of religious people of the UGCC entitled “Transfiguration in the Lord” – “Identity of religious people in vocation and service to the UGCC”. In conclusion, the Head of the UGCC declared that document official, i.e. bounding for all the members of the UGCC.
Secretariat of the V session of the UGCC Patriarchal Sobor

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