On occasion of 125th anniversary of Congregation Head of the UGCC promised Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate to be with them and always have an open heart
Sunday, 28 August 2016, 23:47 In Lviv Head and Father of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church His Beatitude Sviatoslav took part in celebration the 125th anniversary of Congregation of Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate.
See also:
- Appeal of His Beatitude Sviatoslav to the Sons and Daughters of the Ukrainian People in Ukraine and Abroad, and to all People of Good Will
- His Beatitude Sviatoslav congratulated Sisters of the Incarnate Word Order with on holding Cathedral Chapter
- A patriarchate for the UGCC is not only a title. Above all, it’s a way of existing, — His Beatitude Sviatoslav
As it was mentioned by Head of the Church, sisters arrived from different corners of the world to participate in the ceremonies.
In his word to the sisters His Beatitude Sviatoslav assumed that one of the most significant features of Head of the Church – to be a core which unites the whole Ukrainian Church, diffused around the world into an integrant part. “Such an integral bonding power of the Ukrainian Church is Sisters Servants. No matter which country I am visiting, where I have already been to and where not yet, lively Sisters Servants are there”, added Archbishop.
According to his words, to celebrate an anniversary does not mean to set a pompous table or organize a fabulous meeting. “To celebrate, - Head of the Church thinks, - means to experience a presence of Holy God, while celebrating the anniversary means to have an opportunity to touch an event celebrated. To touch holy what was, particularly, present in that historical moment. With this celebration we obtain a unique chance to touch personally a moment when 125 years ago a small group of girls gathered round blessed Sr. Josaphata professed their first vows. Probably, only within time we realized the presence of God then. Yet, it is not merely a group of girls who made their dream come true. It was a historical moment of Ukrainian people salvation”.
“It was God’s event in the history of our Church and our nation. An event from a distant 1892 taken place in a small village embraces today a life of a whole Church around the world. Isn’t it a sign of a presence of a living God? And who are you today, sisters? You are a visible sign of an invisible presence of the living God. Everyone who sees you can realize that they are not forsaken by God, but God is near”, Head of the UGCC assured.
Talking about the ways of serving, accomplished by Sisters Servants, His Beatitude Sviatoslav mentioned social service in particular. “It is something sisters have always been doing. Every epoch had its own needs. Maybe today social issues Ukraine is facing today differ from social problems on the other continents. It is very important to keep it. Today I have been happy to see children from a child’s house and watch them blossoming because of love of Sisters servants. I also know that in Lviv sisters lead a group of girls originally form Donbas, zone of military actions, children of refugees. For there is no one else who can take care of them”.
“I want to thank you, sisters for all those moments when you have been caring for ill, wounded, socially-disguised and abandoned ones. Since everything you have done to these least brothers of Christ, He only knows”, Head of the Church said.
The second way of serving His Beatitude Sviatoslav thanked sisters for - is catechistic. This year we celebrate in Ukraine 25 years of catechistic service in our Church.
“I do not know if we are aware of everything sisters have done for restoring catechistic service. I do not know if our Church is aware till the end of how many people found their way to God with the help of Sisters Servants through the catechistic service at our parishes all over the world. Our whole Church thank you so much for this”, marked Head of the Church.
He also thanked for an enormous educative program which sisters imply through the school system.
“May this jubilee year – 125th anniversary of Congregation turns into a praying liturgical remembrance of all works of God He performed and will perform in our Church life through you”, wished Archbishop.
“I promise to be near. Promise to have my heart and ear open, yet even word, if you need it. I anticipate cooperating with you, so we could hear and understand each other in order to serve together. So that the whole world understand who is she – Sister Servant of Mary Immaculate”, Head of the UGCC assured sisters in his support.
The UGCC Department of Information

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