Meeting between President and Cardinal Secretary of State of the Holy See
Sunday, 19 June 2016, 14:12 Following the meeting with Cardinal Secretary of State of the Holy See Pietro Parolin, President Petro Poroshenko noted that Ukraine and the Vatican City have an efficient dialogue. He underscored high attention of the Holy See to Ukraine and the issues of security on the European continent, President's official web page informs.-
See also:
- Mission of the Holy See in Ukraine
- Ukraine needs your solidarity, - Head of the UGCC during the meeting with ambassadors of EU countries at the Holy See
- Head of the UGCC met with newly appointed Ambassador of Ukraine to the Holy See
“We sincerely appreciate the efforts in the sphere of public diplomacy made by Pope Francis and the entire Catholic church for the establishment of peace in Ukraine. Spiritual support and prayers of His Holiness are vital for the Ukrainian people,” the Head of State said.
Pietro Parolin thanked for a warm welcome. “I came to Ukraine to demonstrate and declare the interest, love and attention of Pope Francis with respect to Ukraine - a country suffering from war,” the Cardinal Secretary of State of the Holy See emphasized.
The President thanked the Vatican City and personally Pope Francis for the humanitarian initiative to hold charitable fundraising in support of Ukraine in all Catholic churches of Europe on April 24. The Ukrainian side highly appreciates the activities of Caritas Ukraine charitable organization, which always increases the volume of assistance for Ukrainians.
Petro Poroshenko and Pietro Parolin have discussed the issue of human rights violation in the occupied Crimea.
The President has also addressed the Holy See with a request to facilitate the provision of the visa-free regime for Ukrainians by the EU. “The authority of the Vatican City will make a contribution to the prompt adoption of respective decision. Ukraine has fulfilled all the necessary preconditions for this end,” he said adding that the visa-free regime will also promote religious pilgrimage of Ukrainian believers, inter alia, to the Vatican City.
The Head of State praised the decision of the EU on the prolongation of individual and sectoral sanctions for the next 12 months due to the annexation of Crimea by Russia.
The parties have also discussed the finalization of beatification of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky.
The Head of State conveyed invitation to Pope Francis to visit Ukraine. The Cardinal Secretary of State of the Holy See thanked for the invitation.
Source: RISU
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