Lenten pilgrimage to Philadelphia
Saturday, 27 March 2010, 23:25 On Tuesday, March 23 the staff of St. Basil College, the Eparchial Chancery Office, Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate and friends made a Lenten pilgrimage to the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Philadelphia where an exact photographic copy of the Shroud of Turin - one of very few sanctioned by the Vatican - is being displayed for veneration by the faithful...
On Tuesday, March 23 the staff of St. Basil College, the Eparchial Chancery Office, Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate and friends made a Lenten pilgrimage to the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Philadelphia where an exact photographic copy of the Shroud of Turin - one of very few sanctioned by the Vatican - is being displayed for veneration by the faithful. The original Shroud, housed permanently in St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Turin, Italy, has undergone a battery of scientific tests over the years without discovering how the image of the man, who was obviously tortured in a horrible manner by crucifixion, came to be on the linen cloth. Many believe it to be the actual burial shroud of Christ. For informaton about visiting the cathedral and venerating the Shroud contact the Shroud Office: 215-922-2917 or visit www.ukrcathedral.com
His Grace, Metropolitan Stefan Soroka greeted the pilgrims and blessed them, wishing them a fruitful conclusion of their Lenten journey and a joyous and peaceful upcoming Feast of Pascha.
Following their visit to the Cathedral the pilgrims from Stamford had the opportunity of viewing some of the historic sights of Philadelphia, one of the foremeost being the Liberty Bell in the photo above. The Liberty Bell was cast in 1753 and placed in the bell tower of Independence Hall where it became a powerful and magnetic symbol of the events of the American Revolution. The biblical citation around the lip of the bell speaks to the evocative message of individual freedom: "...proclaim liberty in the land for all its inhabitants..." (Lev. 25:10).
Very Rev. Ihor Midzak, a native Philadelphian, acted as tour guide explaining many significant events and points of interest of historic Philadelphia.

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