In the church of Saint Basil the Great youth performed the Christmas play under the direction of Irma Vitovska
Wednesday, 23 January 2013, 13:25 On the 20th January 2013, in the church of Saint Basil the Great in Kiev, the Christmas performance of "O Holy Night" based on the same story of Selma Laherlof, was performed by the youth of the parish. The producer of this theatrical performance is Irma Vitovskaya, Ukrainian actress of theater and cinema, parishioner of the church of Saint Basil the Great. The performance was started by the Chamber Orchestra, who performed several soundtracks of famous Hollywood movies.After this music introduction, which prepared the viewers to the corresponding tune, actors reproduced that Christmas atmosphere and the fireside comfort, in which the child goes through the feast of Christ's birth. Besides the amateur actors, who, however, in no way were inferior to the professional artists, the role of Joseph was performed by Markiyan Svyato, the soloist of the opera studio of the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P. I. Tchaikovsky. The theatrical performance lasted only half an hour, however, the audience, and there were about 700 people, enthusiastically applauded the performers and Mrs. Irma Vitovska, for whom it took approximately a month to prepare the youth.
Participants of this performance are grateful to the actress not only for being the director, but also for being a bright and good person, who during the training gave everyone a lot of new and interesting experience. Finally, the youth choir, under the leadership of Yaryna Chepiha, performed several carols for the appreciative audience. With this wonderful concert, the Christmas cycle of holidays in the church of Saint Basil the Great, came to an end.

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