In Kyiv there was a presentation about an All-Ukrainian exhibit-competition of art by prisoners, entitled Transfiguration through God’s Love
Saturday, 22 June 2013, 21:06 On June 18, 2013, in the Performance Hall of Central Building of the Artist, there was a presentation of the exhibit competition of paintings by prisoners, Transfiguration through God’s Love. The stages of the preparation of the contest and social aspects of this art event were presented.On June 18, 2013, in the Performance Hall of Central Building of the Artist, there was a presentation of the exhibit competition of paintings by prisoners, Transfiguration through God’s Love. The stages of the preparation of the contest and social aspects of this art event were presented.
This event was initiated by the National Association of Artists with the goal of presenting information about a future exhibit-competition and the significance of the reintegration of our co-patriots who have ended up in places of incarceration. The exhibit will open in Ivan Honchar Museum in Kyiv in August 2013.
In the presentation prepared by the UGCC Patriarchal Curia Department for Pastoral Care in the Armed Forces and in the Penitentiary System of Ukraine, there were representatives of the National Expert Commission of Ukraine for Protection of Public Morals, the State Penitentiary System, administrators of the Department of Culture (KMDA), art activists, professional judges, volunteers and journalists.
The staff of the Department for Pastoral Care in Penitentiary of Ukraine, hierarch Konstiantyn Panteley and monk Yuriy Yosypovych presented all the stages of the preparation of the national contest which began in January 2013 and foresaw cooperation with the central apparatus and the territorial branches of the State Penitentiary System as well as correspondence with the prisoners and cooperation with volunteers.
The significance of the socio-psychological factor of fine and applied arts in the work with the prisoners and cooperative efforts with the Church were described by Vitaliy Khvedchuk, Deputy Head of the Administration of Social and Educational, and Psychological Work of the State Department of Ukraine on Execution of Punishments.
Welcoming words were said by Vasyl Kostytskyi, head of the National Expert Commission of Ukraine Protection of Public Morals. The Commission in cooperation with the Churches of the Interdenominational Mission of Prison Services undertook significant efforts to enhance the development of pastoral care. In particular, Vasyl Kostytskyi said: “The social issue that is not only that or art, not only psychological, not only a state one, it is above all a moral-legal issues. It is not the first time that the Mission is trying to reintegrate into society those individuals who have ended up in prison. Technically this activity is labeled as‘re-adaptation’, ‘adaptation’ but factually, it is an act of great serving and therefore also great gratitude.”
Among others who spoke were the noted artist Boris Egiazarian, Nina Sayenko, a Merit Artist of Ukraine, a scholar at the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture of Ukraine, Volodymyr Televnyi, chief expert of the Administration of the Department of Culture (KMDA), Oleh Liadyk, member of directors of the Patriarchal Association. The journalist Ruslana Danyliv served as moderator of the presentation.
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