In Kyiv “Oscar and the Lady in Pink” will be performed by Basilian brothers
Friday, 29 January 2010, 15:53 On Saturday, January 30, 2010, at 6 p.m. will take place a Christmas performance “Oscar and the Lady in Pink” according to the story of E.E. Schmitt performed by Basilian brothers from the seminary of Bryukhovychi. Residents of Kyiv and the guests of the capital will be able to see this performance on the stage of the Cultural and Art Center of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.
On Saturday, January 30, 2010, at 6 p.m. will take place a Christmas performance “Oscar and the Lady in Pink” according to the story of E.E. Schmitt performed by Basilian brothers from the seminary of Bryukhovychi. Residents of Kyiv and the guests of the capital will be able to see this performance on the stage of the Cultural and Art Center of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.
The performance is a story about illness and death, about love and about God. About a life when one day equals ten years. All 14 letters of the ten-year-old boy Oscar. Letters to God. This short story, written by one of the most popular contemporary French writers, has been translated into many languages, and its theatrical performance has already for a few years not left the stages of the most renowned theaters.
A life, lived by the boy for twelve days, which becomes valuable due to the birth of Jesus in his consciousness. The acuteness of the feeling of life and death, love and hatred, faith, and self-sacrifice brought Oscar closer to the understanding of the mystery of Christmas: the perception of the birth of Jesus Christ as gladness of the transformation into flesh the victim of love.
Exactly the example of God, the image in the consciousness of Oscar that changes from the high-quality substitute of Grandfather Frost to a true friend and irreplaceable helper changes the worldview of the boy in order to show him the path that leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the coming world.
Life and death. Christmas and Golgotha. Oscar and God. Why select pain and moral suffering? Oscar dies in order to be born in Christ; Christ is born to die for him.
“Oscar and the Lady in Pink” is a look at a life of a man from the height of eternity. The gaze of God, which is the “only one that has the right to wake us…”
Entrance is free.
Information Department of the UGCC
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