In Ivano-Frankivsk, during the presentation of the magazine "Slovo", will raffle to win a trip to Rome
Thursday, 24 January 2013, 10:30 On the 27th of January, in Ivano-Frankivsk, there will be a presentation of the Christian magazine "Word" taking place, within the frames of which, among the magazine subscribers there will be a raffle for the certificate of a free pilgrimage trip to Rome, an also for the other prizes from the publishing house "Apostol". Organizers of the rally are the publishing house "Apostol" and Pilgrimage Center of Our Lady of Perpetual Help."We are really pleased with the Christian magazine "Slovo", which is published in Ivano-Frankivsk, - said Andriy Pyshnyk, the director of the Pilgrimage Center, - so we decided to support him, by offering a raffle to win a free trip to Rome among the magazine subscribers".
"With such measures, we want to draw attention of the public and the media to the magazine, which, by fulfilling its mission – to bring God's Word to the reader, is making it qualitatively and professionally," - he stressed.
The publication will be presented to the attendants by: Father Roman Terletsky – the theological editor and church trustee of the magazine "Slovo", Ulyana Andrusiv – the Editor in Chief, Ivan Osadchuk – the director of "Apostol". The Prize Certificate of the trip to the winner will be awarded by Andriy Pyshnyk – the Director of the Pilgrimage Center of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
The presentation will begin at 14 o'clock in the conference hall of the hotel "Stanislaviv", which is at the address: Chornovola street, 7.
It should be reminded that the all-Ukrainian Christian magazine "Slovo" is published at the publishing house "Apostol". The idea of creating the magazine belongs to Father Roman Terlecky, who received the blessing for its implementation from Bishop Volodymyr (Viytyshyn), the Archbishop and the Metropolitan of Ivano-Frankivsk in 2011. Gradually, the magazinestarted to be distributed around Ukraine and the need arouse to expand it. From 2012, the magazine began to be published every two months, with more pages and more sections. In 2013, the subscription to it was opened.
The purpose of the magazine - to promote Gospel values, to talk about the history of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the faith of people, who created it, to bring to the readers Good News, by representing the view of the Church on complex issues of the present day with a fresh modern style, in full color graphics and in innovative format.
Reported by Mr. Vasyl Voznyak
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