In Boryspil, there was a presentation of the prisoners art "Transfiguration by the Lord's love"
Thursday, 02 May 2013, 12:01 On the 30th of April, in Boryspil, in the Central City Library, with the participation of Mayor Anatoliy Fedorchuk, public of the city, high school students, employees of the regional department of the Criminal Enforcement Inspection and the Department of socio-educational and psychological work with the prisoners of the Boryspil Correctional Camp №119 of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine, the presentation of the National Contest of the prisoners fine art "Transfiguration by the Lord's love" took place.On the 30th of April, in Boryspil, in the Central City Library, with the participation of Mayor Anatoliy Fedorchuk, public of the city, high school students, employees of the regional department of the Criminal Enforcement Inspection and the Department of socio-educational and psychological work with the prisoners of the Boryspil Correctional Camp №119 of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine, the presentation of the National Contest of the prisoners fine art "Transfiguration by the Lord's love" took place.
Among the participants in the presentation of the future event there were Fr. Ihor Shaban, Head of the Commission of the UGCC for Promoting Christian Unity, doctor of theology, and Fr. Costiantyn Panteley, Head of the Curia of the UGCC for Pastoral Care in the Penitentiary Institutions of Ukraine. The symbolic presence of the prisoners participants of the event experienced because of the exhibition, which started on the occasion of the presentation in the library. For the period of two weeks, in Boryspil Central Library, the exhibition of the fine art works of the prisoners from all around the world from the Vienna Contest of 2009 will be taking place.
Today there are more than 10 million prisoners. Ukraine, taking into consideration the absolute number of people in places of deprivation of freedom, occupies 11th place in the world and 2nd in Europe. The Penitentiary Pastoral Care of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church together with CF "Caritas Kyiv", in cooperation with the State Penitentiary Service of Ukrainep, will hold in August 2013 the all-Ukrainian Contest Exhibition of fine art works of prisoners "Transfiguration by the Lord's love". The purpose of the exhibition is to contribute to a better social communication and to the reintegration process of our fellow citizens, who found themselves in places of deprivation of freedom, and also, using this opportunity, to familiarize the public with the fruits of cooperation between the Church and the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine in the case of returning prisoners to society.
Nowadays, there is taking place the attraction of the assistance from benefactors to support prisoners, who have annnounced their participation in the contest, with the required materials (paints, brushes, canvases, etc.). Information about the assistance in preparation and the conduction of the Contest was announced by the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. Available artists and craftsmen will be personally taking care over each particular member. Applications for participation and requests for support are may be found here.
"With the help of the fine art, the most humane dialogue and the involvement of all us, as members of the civil society is taking place, so as to overcome the walls of alienation and deep understanding. We will have the opportunity to see the pictures. The authors will hear our commentaries. Such an events are able to change the society for better, starting from ourselves"- said Fr. Costiantyn Panteley.
Source: Prison-pastoral blogspot
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