“In 2020 I would like to see our Church as one body, which exists in the entire world, speaks different languages, and proclaims the Gospel in different countries” – the Head of the UGCC
Saturday, 14 May 2011, 23:54 On May 7 2011 A.D. during his visit to Drohobych (Lviv region), the Head of the UGCC had a meeting with journalists, seminarians and clergy in Drohobych Spiritual Seminary. The UGCC Primate visited Drohobych on the occasion of the celebration of Bishop Julian Voronvskyi’s jubilee – the 75th birthday anniversary, as well as 25th anniversary of his Episcopal ordination.
On May 7 2011 A.D. during his visit to Drohobych (Lviv region), the Head of the UGCC had a meeting with journalists, seminarians and clergy in Drohobych Spiritual Seminary. The UGCC Primate visited Drohobych on the occasion of the celebration of Bishop Julian Voronvskyi’s jubilee – the 75th birthday anniversary, as well as 25th anniversary of his Episcopal ordination.
Answering the question of the journalists about the priority in his Archipastoral ministry, His Beatitude said, “It is hard for me to single out one such priority.” He continued, “You probably noticed that my first pastoral message had been directed to the youth. I would like the youth to be always a priority in my ministry. I think nowadays our Church is young, not in relation strictly to the age criteria, but taking into consideration the average age of our clergy and religious people. His Beatitude added, “When I said in an interview with Channel 5 television that it is actually very natural to be a young Christian, this fact became a discovery for many Ukrainians. Many people suppose for some reason that only elderly people should attend churches. I am convinced that the future of our Church, which we should be building now, depends on how profoundly we will be able to initiate young generation into the mystery of Church. How well we are able to transmit to them the fullness of the Divine life which flows from it”, concluded the UGCC Primate.
Finally, the Head of the UGCC shared his vision of the UGCC in 10 years, “In 2020 I would like to see our Church as one body throughout the whole world, which speaks different languages, proclaims the Gospel in different countries, but remains one united Church of Eastern tradition. Taking the opportunity of having the seminarians’ presence among us, I would like to call on our dear brothers to consider very seriously a missionary ministry. In these times, our faithful are spread all over the world. Our task is to go there where they are. Our people need priests. Then, it is possible that in 2020 we will have eparchies, metropolitans in Africa, the Far East, and in those countries where our people are. People who are known and unknown to us, but those who definitely need spiritual care, people who need to have a father, knowing that this father from Ukraine really takes care of them.”
You can watch video of the interview following the link below: io.ua/ve6484a6bbe197b798bd00f215c0b00f7
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