His Beatitude Sviatoslav will participate in the celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the Sambir-Drohobych Eparchy
Thursday, 20 June 2013, 10:29 On June 24, 2013 two notable jubilee dates – the 1025th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus-Ukraine and the 20th anniversary of the UGCC Sambir-Drohobych Eparchy will be celebrated. On that day, in the evening in the Yuriy Drohobych Musical Drama Theater there will be a gala concert to commemorate the above mentioned events (at 6:00 PM).On June 24, 2013 two notable jubilee dates – the 1025th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus-Ukraine and the 20th anniversary of the UGCC Sambir-Drohobych Eparchy will be celebrated. On that day, in the evening in the Yuriy Drohobych Musical Drama Theater there will be a gala concert to commemorate the above mentioned events (at 6:00 PM).
June 25 at 10:00 AM, His Beatitude Sviatoslav will visit the eparchial Caritas (4 Chornovil St.), bless the new accommodations, and pray for the health of the sick.
At 12:00 noon, UGCC head will celebrate a Panakhyda [Memorial Service] and will bless the Prison on Stryiska Museum, located in the courtyard of the Drohobych Pedagogical Institute (3 Stryiska St.). Here during 1939-41 was the NKVD Prison, in which almost a thousand prisoners were executed, and among them, the Drohobych martyrs, Blessed Severian Baranyk and Yakym Senkivsky.
At 5:00 PM, UGCC Primate will meet with the participants of the Eparchial Youth Conference and will bless the Rev. Ivan Valiukh Educational-Catechetical Center associated with the local parish of St. Mykola the Miracle Worker.
A reminder: UGCC Sambir-Drohobych Eparchy was established by the Decree of UGCC Head, His Beatitude Ivan Liubachivsky, dated July 12, 1993 according to the resolution of the UGCC Synod of Bishops (May 16-31, 1992). Historically, the Eparchy was a renewal of the ancient Sambir Eparchy, mentioned in 13th century manuscripts. Since the 15th century this eparchy was known as Peremyshel-Sambir and in the 17th century it was named Peremyshel-Sambir-Sianotsk Eparchy.
Its first bishop was Bishop Yulian (Voronovsky), who was enthroned in the Holy Trinity cathedral in Drohobych on April 17, 1994. In 2006 Bishop Yaroslav (Pryriz) was named an auxiliary bishop of the eparchy, and on December 24, 2011, he was enthroned by UGCC Head his Beatitude Sviatoslav as the Sambir-Drohobych Eparch. At present the eparchy has a spiritual seminary that educates future priests. Each year some 10-12 graduates eventually serve as pastors both within the Sambir-Drohobych Eparchy as well as beyond.
At the Catechetical Institute faithful learn how to serve as catechists and deacons as well as icon painting. Social services are provided by the priests and workers of the eparchial Caritas. The charity organization also provides spiritual and psychological support for physically and mentally challenged children, migrant families and the elderly. Caritas also sponsors Nazareth, a rehabilitation center for alcohol and drug afflicted as well as Our Home, a community for the homeless.
Sambir-Drohobych Eparchy Press Service
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