His Beatitude Sviatoslav will make a pastoral visit to Austria
Tuesday, 05 November 2019, 19:04 On November 7-12, 2019, Father and Head of the UGCC, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, will make a pastoral visit to Austria. The program includes a visit to two cities - Innsbruck and Vienna.-
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- "I ask you to be worthy ambassadors of your homeland", the Head of the UGCC to those who were forced to leave Ukraine
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The Head of the UGCC will visit Innsbruck on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the arrival of Ukrainian students-theologians and Ukrainian community in the capital of Tyrol. His Beatitude Sviatoslav will also visit Vienna to attend the opening of a memorial plaque commemorating the Archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Theodor Innitser who helped the victims of the Holodomor in Ukraine. Also in Vienna, for the first time in history, the Order of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky will be awared.
During the visit to Innsbruck, the Primate will meet with the Mayor of the city, George Willie, as well as students and staff of the Canisianum College of Innsbruck University. He will also participate in the Liturgies, memorial services for the deceased faithful, clergy and bishops, and other events.
It is worth noting that on November 8-10, the Head of the UGCC, together with the diocesan bishop Hermann Glettler, will celebrate the 120th anniversary of the Ukrainian theologians and the Ukrainian community in Innsbruck, during which they will present the jubilee bilingual edition.
“The 120th anniversary of the Ukrainian Theological students and Ukrainian community in Innsbruck saw the jubilee collection of articles. This is, in fact, the first comprehensive study about Ukrainians in Tyrol. It describes the path of many prominent figures of the Ukrainian Church, the spiritual leaders of the nation who, at various times, studied in the Tyrolean capital - among them blessed priests Klymentiy Sheptytsky, Nykyta Budka, Andriy Ischak; Cardinals Josyf Slipyj and Myroslav Lubachivsky. The book also shows organising a Ukrainian community around the students of theology and other faculties of the Innsbruck Leopold-Franz University,” said Dr. Lidia Melnyk.
By the way, the authors of the articles and essays are doctoral students from Ukraine, who are now studying at the Theological Faculty of the Innsbruck University - M.A. Ihor Hinda and M.A.Volodymyr Mamchyn, Fr. M.A. Volodymyr Voloshyn, Fr. Dr. Ivan Dats’ko, Heinz Panteleimon Gstrein and Lviv journalists who live in the Tyrolean capital today - Iryna Zalets’ka and Lidia Melnyk (editor in chief). All materials in the collection are submitted in two languages: Ukrainian and German, making it accessible to the widest range of readers.
The Jesuit Collegium Canisianum (or simply Canisianum) is an educational institution of Jesuit priests in Innsbruck (Austria). It was founded in 1562 by fr. Peter Canisius, S.J. (Italian. Pietro Canisio, proclaimed a saint in 1925). In 1856 the College was admitted to the University of Innsbruck.
The modern building was erected in 1910-1911 under the rectorship of Michael Hoffmann. In 1938, the College was closed and reopened in 1945.
Ukrainian students began enrolling in the Canisianum in 1899. The first student from Halychyna was Josyf Zhuk (enrolled on October 17, 1899) - later a Greek Catholic priest in the United States, and eventually the founder and first head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in America.
In the Canisianum, priests and bishops of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and other Greek Catholic Churches of Byzantine rite studied.
The UGCC Department for Information
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