His Beatitude Sviatoslav: "Today, the Lord goes into the condition of a people that is seeking salvation and remission of their sins"
Tuesday, 22 January 2013, 13:32 The primate of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, His Beatitude Sviatoslav (Shevchuk), on the 19th of January, on the day of Epiphany, led the Divine Liturgy in the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, which is situated on the left bank of Kiev. Among the participants in the Divine Liturgy there were hundreds of people from different parts of Ukraine.His Beatitude Sviatoslav, during the sermon (listen) expressed gratitude to the faithful, because of the number of people, who arrived in order to celebrate the day of Epiphany today. "Thank you, for being here today, at the banks of Ukrainian Jordan River - the Dnipro, to relive this mystery of love for all of us" - said the Head of the UGCC.
The preacher wished the faithful so that "God penetrates into the innermost recesses of our lives." "So that this Jordanian water, with which we asperse the whole Universe, renews us and makes us, as well as, our motherland, new in Christ Jesus," - said the Head of the Church.
"The Evangelist Matthew describes in a simple manner, but very deeply, the revelation of God over the waters of the Jordan ... If we look into the Holy Scripture, we will see that at that time, near the Jordan, there were masses of people gathering, who by the people of that time were considered doomed, rejected, - people, who felt themselves their sinfulness, their weakness: tax collectors, harlots... They were coming to Jordan, because the doorway to the temple was closed to them. They, who were filled with every sin and all uncleanness, were considered to be the bottom of the society of that time. And to that bottom in the Jordan River the Christ is coming. Even more, He stands nearby such people and wants to make the same gesture as they do. They are seeking for the way out of this bottom; they are seeking for God's forgiveness. The Baptism, with which John baptized those people, was the baptism of repentance. The man turned to God, however, was aware as though of his limitations and doom to that bottom. To that bottom of the society and human despair today the Christ descends. To the bottom of Jordan River He plunges today and shows Himself as one of those people who are gathering there", - said His Beatitude Sviatoslav.
"When Jesus comes to the waters of the Jordan River, - continues the preacher, - John, who sees thousands of sinners and among them one Saint, he becomes terrified, astonished and says: "I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me?" Very often, when we want someone to understand us, we say: put yourself in my place… The Christ does it today. He puts himself on my as well as in your place. He goes into the condition of the person that is seeking salvation and remission of his sins", stresses the Head of the UGCC.
After the Liturgy, the faithful, who are led by the Head of the UGCC, came ashore the Dnipro, where they consecrated the water.
"Today, I wish every one of you, that you, over the waters of Ukrainian Jordan River, hear the words of the Heavenly Father, addressed to each of you: You are my son, my daughter favorite, my inclination", - said His Beatitude Sviatoslav (Shevchuk) at the end.
Photo report
UGCC Department of Information
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