His Beatitude Sviatoslav prayed in Spanish together with the Holy Father
Tuesday, 18 June 2013, 23:14 On June 13, 2013, Holy Father Francis, for the first time during his pontificate, said the Mass in Spanish, since representatives of embassies and consulates of Argentina in Italy and the international organization FAO participated in an Ecumenical Liturgy at St. Martha’s Residence in the Vatican. On that day, one of the concelebrants with the Universal Pontiff was His Beatitude Sviatoslav (Shevchuk), UGCC Head, who during this time was attending the meeting of the 13th Ordinary General Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops.On June 13, 2013, Holy Father Francis, for the first time during his pontificate, said the Mass in Spanish, since representatives of embassies and consulates of Argentina in Italy and the international organization FAO participated in an Ecumenical Liturgy at St. Martha’s Residence in the Vatican. On that day, one of the concelebrants with the Universal Pontiff was His Beatitude Sviatoslav (Shevchuk), UGCC Head, who during this time was attending the meeting of the 13th Ordinary General Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops.
During the sermon, the Pope drew attention of those attending on an excerpt from the Gospel, which is assigned by the Roman Catholic Church for that day, in particular, the words of Jesus Christ which are recorded in the Gospel (Matthew, Chapter 5), in which the Savior encourages his students that in their righteousness
they can surpass the Scribes and Pharisees. Through this the Messiah made it clear that he does not want to get rid of the Law and the Prophets, but only to supplement them, so to say, to make a reform, not breaking the tradition. According to Jesus, a person who enters Christian life does not receive more privileges but – even more responsibilities. Separately the obligation of good relations with neighbors, especially the fact that one demands from a Christian an appropriate stand towards others: he who curses his neighbor, deserves hell; he who carries anger towards his brethren in his heart, must change this.
In teaching his students Jesus the Lord emphasized that evil is the insult of our neighbors – it directs one on a road to death, that is something that kills our neighbor. Holy Father also pointed out the problem of casting aspersions or slandering of our brothers and sisters. “You don’t need to go to a psychiatrist,” continued Pope Francis, “in order to understand that that when one slanders another one, it is because one oneself cannot grow and in order to feel somewhat important, one needs to make sure the other is put down.” Therefore, according to the Bishop of Rome, Jesus Christ appeals that we do not say evil about others, do not slander others, for we are all walking the same path and are responsible for one another. “If someone is not capable of controlling one’s tongue, then one will destroy oneself,” emphasized the Universal Hierarch. However, all of this does not mean that we are bad – rather it means that we are weak and sinful.
“I want to ask God that He grant us all the grace to pay more attention to our tongue, to consider what we say about others. This is a small penance but it brings forth a good harvest,” said the Roman Pope, adding that we should ask God for the grace to adapt our life to this New Law which is the Law of Gentleness, the Law of Love, the Law of Peace and at least bite our tongues a bit when commenting on our neighbors.
In conclusion, the Holy Father also thanked God also for the happy set of circumstances that his Beatitude Sviatoslav who before his present position, served as an auxiliary bishop, and eventually as Apostolic Administrator of UGCC Eparchy in Buenos Aires, due to being in Rome for a meeting these days, could join in this Eucharistic Liturgy.
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