His Beatitude Sviatoslav meets with Ukrainian community of UGCC in Munich (+ audio)
Wednesday, 15 February 2012, 01:01 As part of his pastoral visit to Germany, carried out at the invitation of the charitable organization Renovabis, on February 11, 2012, His Beatitude Sviatoslav visited the UGCC community in Munich. The head of the UGCC met about 15 priests who came from almost all over southern Germany, four hierarchs, and representatives of the Ukrainian community and public organizations in Munich.
As part of his pastoral visit to Germany, carried out at the invitation of the charitable organization Renovabis, on February 11, 2012, His Beatitude Sviatoslav visited the UGCC community in Munich. The head of the UGCC met about 15 priests who came from almost all over southern Germany, four hierarchs, and representatives of the Ukrainian community and public organizations in Munich.
Before the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, the head of the Church greeted Bishop Petro (Kryk), Apostolic Exarch for Ukrainian Catholics of the Byzantine Rite in Germany and Scandinavia, who was accompanied by the guests of honor – Bishop Wlodzimierz (Juszczak), Eparch of Wroclaw and Gdansk, and Cardinal Friedrich Wetter, Archbishop Emeritus of the Munich and Freising Archdiocese. Bishop Petro in his greetings said that “this first visit to Germany by the current head of the UGCC is aimed to revive and gather together the community or Ukrainians, who are far outside their homeland.” Young representatives of the Ukrainian community in Munich expressed their desire hear the paternal word of the Primate of the UGCC and enrich themselves spiritually.
The Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of the Protection of Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Andrew the Apostle, which was headed by Patriarch Sviatoslav, was attended by representatives of the UAOC, the Greek Orthodox Church, and public and religious institutions of Munich, as well as numerous Ukrainian and German guests from all over Bavaria. Among the honored guests was also a delegation from Renovabis, the head of which, Father Stefan Dartmann SJ, concelebrated the Divine Liturgy together with other priests.
In his sermon ( listen), His Beatitude Sviatoslav greeted Ukrainians of Munich and expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to visit the Ukrainian community in Germany.
After the Liturgy Bishop Petro (Kryk) briefly recounted the history of the UGCC in Germany and highlighted the importance of Patriarch Sviatoslav’s visit to the Ukrainian community in Germany. After the celebration, honored guests went to the Furstenried Palace where the Apostolic Exarchate in Germany and Scandinavia organized a reception ( listen to the word of His Beatitude Sviatoslav).
UGCC Information Department
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