His Beatitude Sviatoslav: “Main topic of this year’s Synod will be the new evangelization in UGCC”
Thursday, 06 June 2013, 07:39 On June 4, 2013 the Primate of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church His Beatitude Sviatoslav (Shevchuk) announced that the next session of the Holy Synod, which will be attended by Ukrainian Catholic bishops from the whole world, will take place on August 11-18, 2013 in Kyiv.
On June 4, 2013 the Primate of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church His Beatitude Sviatoslav (Shevchuk) announced that the next session of the Holy Synod, which will be attended by Ukrainian Catholic bishops from the whole world, will take place on August 11-18, 2013 in Kyiv.
Main theme of this year’s synod will be “New Evangelization in the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church.” We will contemplate on how to more effectively preach God’s Word in contemporary culture. The concept of New Evangelism consists of effective pastor service, employing current methods in our parish communities, indispensible means of speaking to those who are baptized but do not properly practice their faith. Special attention should be accorded to those who are still not baptized today but await the Church to speak to them in God’s Words and to help them to become Christians. These are three aspects which the synod members will contemplate,” noted the Church Head.
Additionally a significant issue which the bishops will discuss is missionary work. “According to the words of John Paul II, a Church which is does not engage not active in missionary work, ceases to be a Church. In today’s world every believer should share his faith: otherwise he will lose it. And our bishops who live in different countries, in different language environments, in different cultures will share their experiences on how to bring God’s Word to the contemporary person,” said UGCC Primate.
The Synod to be held in Kyiv on August 11-18 is closely tied with two other events which will be taking place in the capital – the blessing of the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ and the celebration of the 1025th jubilee of the Baptism of Ukraine-Rus.
His Beatitude Sviatoslav urged the whole Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church and all people of goodwill to participate in the topics of the Synod, submit their proposals and prayers for the success of the Synod’s work and for the blessings of the Holy Spirit. Proposals should be sent to Secretariat of UGCC Bishops Synod at [email protected] by July 15, 2013.
We ask your prayers for the effective work of our Synod, for bright beautiful days of celebrating the 1025th anniversary of the Baptism and the blessing of our Cathedral,” stated the Church Head.
Note: The Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church is the highest legislative, judicial, and managing organ of the Church. The Synod gathers once a year in a month designated by the previous session. Currently, there are 46 bishops in the Church, including retirees who are invited to the Synod.
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