His Beatitude Sviatoslav: “Disrespect of parliamentarianism in Ukraine evokes a great deal of anxiety in society
Sunday, 21 April 2013, 21:09 A meeting of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations (AUCCRO) with Parliament Chairman Volodymr Rybak and deputies of various factions was held on April 17th.A meeting of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations (AUCCRO) with Parliament Chairman Volodymr Rybak and deputies of various factions was held on April 17th.
This meeting took place at the initiative of the inter-factional deputy association. Support of the Freedom of Conscience. The meeting was chaired by His Beatitude Sviatoslav (Shevchuk) representing AUCCRO. The chairman, in speaking to the Parliament Chairman and deputies, emphasized several points.
Firstly, current Ukrainian society is represented in a very particular way through
AUCCRO, since it is a community organization which represents 75% of Ukrainian residents. And this type of a dialogue between Parliamentarians and civic society, mediated by AUCCRO, has a particular meaning and a particular character.
UGCC Head reminded all that it was in 2006 that a last similar meeting took place. “We, religious leaders, have felt very acutely the lack of such a dialogue with the Parliament of the last session. We are pleased that the present Parliament in some way heeds the religious life in our country and that today’s meeting is taking place,” he noted.
Secondly, the chairman from AUCCRO emphasized parliamentarism “Parliamentarism is one of the most important elements of a democratic society. And today we want to express our respect for Ukrainian paliamentarism, since each time that we notice a disregard for this parliamentarism – whether external or internal – it evokes great anxiety in society,” emphasized UGCC Head.
His Beatitude Sviatoslav also expressed AUCCRO’s position on some specific foundations upon which legal activities of the body take place. The Church Primate noted that this foundation, upon which laws passed by Parliament should be based, is God’s law -- general human values. “If you will search for another type of foundation, then those laws will contradict that which the Ukrainian civic society today expects,” he stated.
Especially, UGCC Head expressed the position towards two law projects. First, the Church totally supports the law project that forbids propaganda of homosexuality. Second, on the administrative law project on tolerance which should be voted on very soon, he stated, “we expressed our concern about this law project although it is part of the necessary package for a no-visa regime with EU. However, Ukraine cannot pay such a price in order to receive some sort of international dividends,” His Beatitude Sviatoslav is convinced.
He also emphasized that the question of religious freedom in Ukraine is one of the weighty elements -- through which one can measure the general freedom in society as such. “We expect that all law initiatives will be accepted by a dialogue with AUCCRO so that religious rights and citizen freedoms will not become limited, but rather that they should expand,” ended UGCC Primate
The chairman from AUCCRO reminded all that religious organizations are open to dialogue and communication with state organs. “Any law projects which concern religious life, should first be in consultation with AUCCRO, because we are the addressers of this law and we are the ones who later put them into life,” concluded UGCC Head.
Photo: Courtesy of Ukrainian Parliament website
UGCC Department of Information
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