His Beatitude Sviatoslav congratulated Caritas Ivano-Frankivsk UGCC on their 30th anniversary
Friday, 22 October 2021, 21:09 “After coming out of the underground Caritas charitable foundation was one of the first to become a tool to help people in need and carry out a service which emerges from Church itself. Following the commandment of Jesus “whatsoever you do to the least of your brothers and sisters, you do unto me”, you cherish and cultivate the spirit of humility and mercy”, states a Patriarchal certificate.-
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“For all this we express our gratitude to you and all our acknowledgment. You sacrifice cannot be measured on a human scale – the only God, who sees right through a heart of everyone, is able to reward you abundantly”, emphasized His Beatitude Sviatoslav.
According to Tetiana Stavnycha, director of Caritas Ukraine, Caritas Ivano-Frankivsk is an advanced one in Ukraine as it was the first.
Metropolitan of Ivano-Frankivsk Volodymyr Viytyshyn mentioned that the 30th anniversary of Caritas Ivano-Frankivsk coincides with the anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence, and for these years the organization has portrayed itself in a good light.
As for Fr. Volodymyr Chorniy, this is a feast of mercy of every person who is able to show it. “Thirty years ago the first bowl of soup was cooked for poor people in Frankivsk. Now the more versatile help is being provided. We react to challenges of time”.
For the record, for thirty years Caritas Ivano-Frankivsk has been providing deprived families, elderly people and the seriously ill with social, medical, psychological consultation. A special attention is directed on children suffered from bullying and family violence, HIV-positive and young people with disabilities. On a regular basis Caritas Ivano-Frankivsk support families of the deceased in ATO zone, veterans and the forced displaced.
The UGCC Department for Information
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