His Beatitude Lubomyr in Dnipropetrovsk was met by crowded hall
Sunday, 15 May 2011, 23:58 The Head of the UGCC (2001-2011), His Beatitude Lubomyr, called on the youth in Dnipropetrosk to cherish peace in their hearts during an open lecture, " The ethical challenges of modern world to youth." “There has never been ideal situations, states or communities. Everything is either in the state of decline or development. The same thing we can see in nature – either there is growth or death,” said His Beatitude Lubomyr noting that any country is either developing or declining and “tertium non datum”.
The Head of the UGCC (2001-2011), His Beatitude Lubomyr, called on the youth in Dnipropetrosk to cherish peace in their hearts during an open lecture, " The ethical challenges of modern world to youth." “There has never been ideal situations, states or communities. Everything is either in the state of decline or development. The same thing we can see in nature – either there is growth or death,” said His Beatitude Lubomyr noting that any country is either developing or declining and “tertium non datum”.
According to the Major Archbishop emeritus, work on the development can create a better future. He stated, "We would like to see our state and our Church absolutely perfect. However, we should be realistic and realize that today everything is not the way we would like it to be. But now it is possible to build up a better future and work in this direction", said His Beatitude Lubomyr.
The former Head of the UGCC came to Mykola Glinka Conservatory in Dnipropetrovsk at the invitation of the Rector, Honored Artist of Ukraine, Yuriy Novikov. Despite the event being advertised widely, the concert hall of the conservatory could not accommodate all those who wanted to listen to the spiritual leader of the Ukrainian Greek Catholics.
Going to a meeting with young people in Dnipropetrovsk, His Beatitude gave up business class tickets purchased by the organizers and insisted on flying economy class. Despite his age and status, the Archbishop also went through the airport checking along with other passengers - reported Dnipropetrovsk’s "11 Channel". "He lives the way he speaks. This is forgotten in our time, a feature of character which is defining for Lubomyr (Husar), - noted journalists. Far from politics and politicians, humane, humble and open to all – that is how he was perceived by students and all those who came to the meeting, "- said in the news Dnipropetrovsk TV channel.
Finally, His Beatitude met with Dnipropetrovsk faithful and noted that after his resignation he has more time now for prayer and dialogue with young people. This is precisely what he sees his mission as. A reminder: on the first days after leaving the office of the Head of the UGCC in February this year, His Beatitude Lubomyr met with the youth at Kyiv Mohyla Academy.
UGCC Information Department
According to the Major Archbishop emeritus, work on the development can create a better future. He stated, "We would like to see our state and our Church absolutely perfect. However, we should be realistic and realize that today everything is not the way we would like it to be. But now it is possible to build up a better future and work in this direction", said His Beatitude Lubomyr.
The former Head of the UGCC came to Mykola Glinka Conservatory in Dnipropetrovsk at the invitation of the Rector, Honored Artist of Ukraine, Yuriy Novikov. Despite the event being advertised widely, the concert hall of the conservatory could not accommodate all those who wanted to listen to the spiritual leader of the Ukrainian Greek Catholics.
Going to a meeting with young people in Dnipropetrovsk, His Beatitude gave up business class tickets purchased by the organizers and insisted on flying economy class. Despite his age and status, the Archbishop also went through the airport checking along with other passengers - reported Dnipropetrovsk’s "11 Channel". "He lives the way he speaks. This is forgotten in our time, a feature of character which is defining for Lubomyr (Husar), - noted journalists. Far from politics and politicians, humane, humble and open to all – that is how he was perceived by students and all those who came to the meeting, "- said in the news Dnipropetrovsk TV channel.
Finally, His Beatitude met with Dnipropetrovsk faithful and noted that after his resignation he has more time now for prayer and dialogue with young people. This is precisely what he sees his mission as. A reminder: on the first days after leaving the office of the Head of the UGCC in February this year, His Beatitude Lubomyr met with the youth at Kyiv Mohyla Academy.
UGCC Information Department
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