His Beatitude Lubomyr (Husar) explained what relations there should exist between the Church and the State
Sunday, 14 April 2013, 22:43 Archbishop-Emeritus Lubomyr (Husar) believes that the Church should not stand aside the social-political processes; it should assist the state but simultaneously remain free and should not tie itself to any state organs.Archbishop-Emeritus Lubomyr (Husar) believes that the Church should not stand aside the social-political processes; it should assist the state but simultaneously remain free and should not tie itself to any state organs.
Such thoughts were expressed in an article by him “On living together between the Church and the State” (published in Ukrainska pravda [Ukrainian truth]).
In contemplating on the nature of the Church and possibilities of cooperation with the State, UGCC ex-Head noted, that the Church’s primary mission is education and prayer.
“Since in its essence the Church is a religious institution, its primary and main task is to pray for its people, for its state, and to educate the faithful to be good people and, therefore, responsible citizens,” he writes.
“The Church has one other very significant task – to react to untruths and injustices. In order to do this, it must preserve its freedom, independence, insubordination to state organs, -- it should preserve itself on such a high spiritual and moral level in order to speak with authority,” added Cardinal Lubomyr (Husar).
The Archbishop Emeritus emphasized that the Church is “an irreplaceable factor in preservation of state virtues.” However, not all power-holders take this into account.
“Throughout all ages, totalitarian states attempted to limit the freedom of the Church, because they feared its words. On the other hand, wise states want to see the Church as authentic and free. They understand that the Church as an educator of responsible citizens and as a voice of the conscience of the people is an irreplaceable factor in safeguarding state values,” he said.
The Church cannot attach itself to state authority. It is a partner with the state in ensuring the general well-being of the people. The state should give the Church the possibility of educating citizens, as well as to provide it with material assistance in order to fulfill its religious mission.
“Happy are those people who live in a country wherein mutual respect and honest cooperation exist between these two partners,” emphasized His Beatitude Lubomyr (Husar).
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