His Beatitude Lubomyr during National Roundtable: ‘Intellectuals are present in every cultural nation’
Sunday, 08 April 2012, 21:19 Without the existence of the intelligentsia one cannot talk about law and order in society. For those people who make up the intelligentsia of a certain state have high professional knowledge. They also have a deep understanding (through communication, knowledge of history and culture), who a person is, where he comes from and where he is heading, what his purpose is and where his dignity comes from, what rights and objectives he has, His Beatitude Lubomyr (Husar), Archbishop Emeritus, said at the National Roundtable “The Mission of Intellectuals and Free People of Ukraine,” which was held at the Ukrainian House in Kyiv on April 5, 2012.
Without the existence of the intelligentsia one cannot talk about law and order in society. For those people who make up the intelligentsia of a certain state have high professional knowledge. They also have a deep understanding (through communication, knowledge of history and culture), who a person is, where he comes from and where he is heading, what his purpose is and where his dignity comes from, what rights and objectives he has, His Beatitude Lubomyr (Husar), Archbishop Emeritus, said at the National Roundtable “The Mission of Intellectuals and Free People of Ukraine,” which was held at the Ukrainian House in Kyiv on April 5, 2012.
His Beatitude Lubomyr said that intellectuals is present in every cultural nation. “This group of people who, in addition to an individual person, also thinks about the theme of human community, because a person does not live alone like an island. A person can be human only when he is in a community. That it how the Lord made him.”
The speaker focused on “difficult situations in the society of which each of us knows.” He said that throughout history there have been similar situations. "Recently there were people like Hitler, Mussolini, who wanted to introduce a system in which each country's citizens would have a proper life. There were other attempts to rectify fundamental problems, exemplified by the French and the October revolutions. These were attempts to create a situation so that everyone was doing at least what belonged to him. But such solutions do not yield positive results,” said the Archbishop Emeritus.
He believes that there is another, better way to deal with difficult situations, which is in the rehabilitation of the nation's intellectuals. “Today, the heads of churches and other people started talking about intellectuals who can see real solutions of social problems based on spiritual values. Remember that you are needed. There will be no solution without you,” said Lubomyr (Husar).
It should be noted that the National Roundtable is one of the first steps of the Initiative Group First of December. The initiative group was founded on the 20th anniversary of the referendum on the independence of Ukraine. The group includes national intellectuals: Viacheslav Briukhovetsky, Bohdan Havrylyshyn, Semen Hluzman, Volodymyr Horbulin, Lubomyr (Husar), Ivan Dziuba, Myroslav Marynovych, Myroslav Popovych, Yevhen Sverstiuk, Vadym Skurativsky, Ihor Yukhnovsky. The mission of the participants of the initiative group is to establish in the country certain rules based on universal values and on ones badly needed by the Ukrainian society.
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