His Beatitude Lubomyr appeals for a non-violent struggle
Saturday, 01 February 2014, 17:09 The further development of events in Ukraine should be done in a totally non-violent manner. UGCC Archbishop-Emeritus, His Beatitude Lubomyr said this during the recording of an interview for the documental project “Lubomyr”.-
See also:
- Appeal of His Beatitude Sviatoslav to the Sons and Daughters of the Ukrainian People in Ukraine and Abroad, and to all People of Good Will
- His Beatitude Sviatoslav congratulated Sisters of the Incarnate Word Order with on holding Cathedral Chapter
- Metropolitan Borys Gudziak about the first year of ministry: Together we are searching for ways to answer the question how to be Christians, the Church in the XXI century
“This is a struggle through work, activity. Non-violence requires a very serious spiritual strength, which is not lacking among our people,” stressed His Beatitude Lubomyr.
In answer to a request of the scenarist of the project of Lesia Khraplyva to comment on the recent events in
In the opinion of the former UGCC Head, the opposition was not ready for such a development of events. “I do not know if it is to be ready for it at all. In either case, there was a lack of leadership, people who could calmly, thoughtfully search for solutions in a very complicated situation.”
At the same time, His Beatitude Lubomyr thinks that the situation of the last few months testified a lot about the spiritual condition of our people, “There is much good in them. But also a lot of bad traits showed up, bad distinctive marks. A very serious healing of our society is needed,” believes UGCC Archbishop-Emeritus.
In thinking through the further development of events, His Beatitude Lubomyr underlined that this development should be realized “in a non-violent way.” In the opinion of an acknowledged moral authority, non-violence “does not mean inactivity or weakness. It must be a very conscious, consistent struggle.” To demonstrate the success of practicing non-violent actions, His Beatitude Lubomyr noted examples from the history of
“This is a battle – however, not physical, not with fist nor hammers, nor scythes, nor axes. It is a battle to be fought by work and activity. Non-violence demands a high degree of serious spiritual strength, which, I think, our people do not lack. That strength is there – it just needs to be awakened much more.” emphasized the Archbishop-Emeritus.
The spiritual leader of the Greek-Catholics believes that further non-violent struggle will bring on very serious changes in society: “It [the changes-ed.] will take time, will not come easily, will not come quickly, but it will come,” convincingly stated His Beatitude Lubomyr.
We remind all readers that the documentary project “Lubomyr” is a combination of a classical documentary film and (a first in
To watch the beginning episodes of the web-film and to assist the project with a donation can be done on www.lubomyr.net. The premier of the classic documentary film about His Beatitude Lubomyr is planned for August 24th, the Day of
UGCC Department of Information
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