Head of the UGCC met with the faithful of Odesa
Wednesday, 10 March 2010, 20:32 Staying in Odesa, where a meeting of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC is taking place, His Beatitude Lubomyr met with the Greek Catholics of Odesa. The meeting took place in the Church of St. Andrew the First-called Apostle.
Staying in Odesa, where a meeting of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC is taking place, His Beatitude Lubomyr met with the Greek Catholics of Odesa. The meeting took place in the Church of St. Andrew the First-called Apostle.
During the meeting, the head of the UGCC inquired about the everyday life and problems of the faithful. The believers thanked His Beatitude Lubomyr for the possibility to speak with him, for sending good pastors – bishop and priests – to Odesa, and described the activity and ministry of local parishes. During the conversation the Odesa residents asked the patriarch to assist them in obtaining a lot under a church, which the local community has been trying to obtain since 1993.
His Beatitude Lubomyr asked about all the cases where the local authority dragged out the process of allocating land lots for building churches and promised to help so that the central Ukrainian authority positively influenced the local officials in similar situations.
“Don’t try to build large churches, let them be small, moderate, but there has to be a church in every community. It is important that people who enter feel themselves at home,” said the head of the UGCC. “Try to share God’s gifts with your friends. Wherever you may be – in a large city or village – everyone is valuable in the eyes of God, and to everyone you remind about Jesus Christ, about God’s love, everyone you minister will be your great riches.”
“It is not obligatory to preach, not obligatory to become a priest or bishop, but it is important to be a good Christian,” remarked the hierarch. “It is means to believe in God, live like God wants, and to want to share the happiness with your close ones.”
People brought their children to the patriarch, and he laid his hand to their heads and blessed them. Earlier that day His Beatitude Lubomyr held a meeting with the clergy of the Odesa-Crimean Exarchate.
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