"Fifteen hundred watches for the blind – this is a manifestation of love of neighbor" - Fr. Roman Syrotych, director of CF "Caritas Kyiv"
Thursday, 25 April 2013, 14:35 "On the occasion of the Year of diaconia (social service), in the UGCC, during the Lent, the Charitable Foundation "Caritas Kyiv", with the assistance of the donors, conducted large-scale assistance campaign for blind and elderly people in Ukraine - "Watches for the blind". There have been purchased and distributed almost 1,500 watches and alarm clocks. The same amount, or even possibly more, is still planned", - informs Fr. Roman Syrotych, Director of the Charitable Foundation "Caritas Kyiv"."On the occasion of the Year of diaconia (social service), in the UGCC, during the Lent, the Charitable Foundation "Caritas Kyiv", with the assistance of the donors, conducted large-scale assistance campaign for blind and elderly people in Ukraine - "Watches for the blind". There have been purchased and distributed almost 1,500 watches and alarm clocks. The same amount, or even possibly more, is still planned", - informs Fr. Roman Syrotych, Director of the Charitable Foundation "Caritas Kyiv".
Fifteen hundred of blind people either already received or still will receive voice electronic wrist watches with speech output for blind or voice alarm clocks. Geography of distribution of the charity is quite widespread. Yes, the watches will be received in Kyiv and Lviv, as well as around the regions of Kyiv, Donetsk, Lviv, Zhytomyr, Transcarpathians and Ternopil.
Primarily the attention was drawn to the poorest, for whom it is difficult to acquire such a thing for themselves, so the gifts were received by the members of UTOS (Ukrainian Society for the Blind) organizations, older single people, who have lost their sight or just blind.
"This assistance for the blind - it is not our achievement, but the achievement of good sensitive people who are willing to share their money. We simply joined and supported. The campaign "Watch for the Blind" started the charitable foundation based at the Ukrainian Catholic Church of St. John the Baptist in Newark, New Jersey in America. This organization is made up of Ukrainian Americans, who believe in the doctrine of Christ and respond to the calling for help to neighbor. They provide assistance to both Ukrainians and Americans: to the sick, disabled and to the ones in need - and with their enthusiasm encourage people for the compassion and sacrifice, for what they express sincere gratitude"- emphasizes Fr. Roman Syrotych, director of Caritas Kyiv.
It should be noted, that His Beatitude Lubomyr (Husar), in a special way contributed to the campaign, giving his money, so as the blind people in need receive watches. Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church has always paid and pays special attention to the sick, destitute and needy people by providing them with the assistance.
As of today, in Ukraine there are approximately 70,000 blind people. This is excluding elderly people, who are losing their sight due to age. Fifty thousand of blind people are the members of the Ukrainian Society for the Blind (UTOS). Provision with the primary means for the blind, it is the responsibility of the state, but given the economic situation and the enormous quantity of blind people, only a small part of the population receives necessary means for normal functioning. Therefore, in this case, assistance to the blind - this is an example of sacrifice and love for others, who find it difficult to see the world.
"On my own behalf and on the behalf of all blind people, I want to express my sincere gratitude to the donors. It is thanks to them, that 1500 people saw the love and care, and received the necessary thing. But let us hope that it is not the end – assistance still continues and still a lot of people will receive watches. All people of good will are invited to the acts of mercy, which we with the common efforts can implement within our society among the poor, the sick and the needy people. To do this, you can contact me ([email protected]) or our Foundation by phone 0971945911 and ask in what kind of way you can contribute to good works", - concluded the Director CF "Caritas Kyiv" Fr. Roman Syrotych.
Report made by the press-service of “Caritas Kyiv”
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