Exhibition of documents about the violent liquidation, underground activity, and legalization of the UGCC
Monday, 25 January 2010, 17:08 On January 24, 2010, in Kyiv, in the St. Basil the Great Church (Voznesenskyj Uzviz, 7, near the Lviv Square), the Institute of Church History of the Ukrainian Catholic University will present the exhibition “Toward the Light of Resurrection through the Terrains of Catacombs.” The exhibition is devoted to the 20th anniversary of the emergence of the UGCC from the catacombs and its official legalization. The presentation of the exhibition will take place after the Divine Liturgy which will begin at 10:00 a.m. It is also possible to visit the exhibit after the prayer for Christian unity, which will begin the same day at 6:00 p.m. (An interdenominational prayer will take place as part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity).Information Department of the UGCC
Background information In the 20th century millions of Ukrainians became victims not only of wars and armed conflicts but also totalitarian systems and the misanthropic ideas propagated by them. A victim of intentional religious persecution and conscious implantation of atheism became the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC). Violence against the rebellious church organized by the Soviet authority and its repressive organs was completed by the so-called Lviv “council” in 1946, where the church officially stopped to exist and “joined” the Russian Orthodox Church. Liquidated and forbidden by Stalin’s regime, the UGCC began a new page of history – the history of brave and heroic resistance, of unshakable spirit and greatness of faith for Christ and His final victory over the forces of darkness. The fight of Greek Catholics to protect their civil rights became not only a component of opposition again the totalitarian regime, but also the process of democratization and the Ukrainian national revival in the late 1980s.We can imagine what the prayer of the prisoners in the Russian torture centers in the Ukrainian Kharkiv region was like – Head of the UGCC on the 206th day of the war 17 September
A vast cemetery, a mass burial, was found near the city of Izyum, in which more than 400 innocently killed and tortured people have already been...
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