During pre-Christmas recollections, youth contemplated the Christmas Mystery
Wednesday, 05 December 2012, 12:42 The UGCC United Space for Youth sponsored pre-Christmas recollections. They were held in Pohulanka in Lviv in the Center for Creativity of Children and Youth of Halychyna (November 30-December 2). The recollections were attended by some 60 youth from various places in Ukraine. All together, including the youth who organized the event, a total of 80 people participated in this spiritual renewal effort.The spiritual journey of the youth began on November 30th with Vespers to the Blessed Mother and an introductory session with Rev. Maksym Riabukha, SDB. The next day began with morning prayers, Divine Liturgy, and spiritual directives by Rev. Maksym. “Each of our lives has a clear calling which takes on three forms: a religious vocation, priesthood and marriage. We can be happy only if we follow God’s calling, because it is then that we realize that our life has a goal,” explained Rev. Maksym Riabukha to the young people during his sermon at the Liturgy.
On that day the youth learned directly about the Community of Orionist Fathers in Lviv from a member of that order, an Orionist monk.
In thinking about the journey of Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem, the girls and boys deliberated about the significance of human life and the difficulties on life’s journey. “Yes” – is not only Mary’s answer to God’s proposal, but it is also God’s answer for Mary’s whole life. Additionally, in renouncing herself, Mary also renounces plans for the future of the life of her child,” said Rev. Maksym.
In work groups, the young people considered the concept of creating a United UGCC Youth Forum. “God gave me a lot – the joy of meeting young people, who in spite of circumstances contribute a lot to the Church. We should be together so that together we can create a Church,” said Rev. Rostyslav Pendiuk, the head of the UGCC Commission on Matters of Youth, urging the recollection participants to join in creating a United UGCC Youth Forum.
The packed program of the recollections did not leave anybody unmoved: Jesus’ prayer, a show, rosary, film viewing, presentation of the concept of a United UGCC Youth Forum, Evening Vespers – everything encouraged opening up and believing in the Wonder.
UGCC Department of Information
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