Continuing 500 years’ tradition, the UGCC presents a new Catechism
Sunday, 26 June 2011, 00:37 A peculiarity of the UGCC theological tradition, which draws its roots from Eastern Christianity, identifies the need of a proper Catechism. Celebrations of the jubilee of Millennium of Baptism of Rus’-Ukraine in 1988, as well as emergence of the UGCC from the underground, are two factors which have clearly defined the idea of a new Catechism in which Christian faith would be transmitted in a proper millenarian tradition. This idea was expressed by the Head of the UGCC, His Beatitude Sviatoslav. On June 24 in Lviv, the UGCC Primate promulgated a new UGCC Catechism “Christ is our Easter” consisting of three parts: faith, prayer and life of the Church.
A peculiarity of the UGCC theological tradition, which draws its roots from Eastern Christianity, identifies the need of a proper Catechism. Celebrations of the jubilee of Millennium of Baptism of Rus’-Ukraine in 1988, as well as emergence of the UGCC from the underground, are two factors which have clearly defined the idea of a new Catechism in which Christian faith would be transmitted in a proper millenarian tradition.
This idea was expressed by the Head of the UGCC, His Beatitude Sviatoslav. On June 24 in Lviv, the UGCC Primate promulgated a new UGCC Catechism “Christ is our Easter” consisting of three parts: faith, prayer and life of the Church.
His Beatitude Sviatoslav is convinced that a better understanding of our proper Christian roots will help the faithful to rediscover their own identity in modern world marked by processes of globalization and assimilation. At the same time, it will contribute to a better understanding of the universal significance of our tradition. “Current situation of the UGCC in Ukraine as well as abroad, the needs of the faithful of our Church define the goal of the Catechism – to help the faithful to understand better and implement more profoundly in ones life Christian faith transmitted to us by the Fathers of our Church; to cherish Kyivan Christian Tradition; and in their light to find the responses to the challenges of modern world”, - noted the Head of the UGCC. In his opening word to the UGCC Catechism, His Beatitude Sviatoslav recalled the words of his venerable predecessor Lubomyr Card. Husar who who had specifically emphasized the need of such a publication in the following words: “The teaching of Christ is one and the same for all, the faith of Christ is also the same for all Catholics regardless of their right or their belonging to some local church. Instead, theological understanding of the truths revealed by God can be different in different cultures, as there are different liturgical rites”. The Catechism “Christ is our Easter” continues the tradition of written or printed catechisms of the UGCC whose origins date back to the XVI century. Since that time there was not a century without presentation of a new Catechism. To mention a few of them, noteworthy are: “Catechism” from XVII century compiled by St. Josaphat, Archbishop of Polotsk; Catechism entitled “Proclamation to the people or Word for catholic people” from XVIII century; “Great Catechism for parochial schools” from XIX century and Catechism “God’s Teaching” from XX century. Presentation of the Catechism is within the International scientific-practical conference, taking place in Lviv on 24-27 June 2011. The conference participants are Bishops, priests, religious and faithful of the UGCC from the USA, Canada, Russia, Poland, Brazil, Serbia, Portugal and Ukraine. The new Catechism will be translated into English, Polish, Russian, Portuguese and Spanish.
His Beatitude Sviatoslav is convinced that a better understanding of our proper Christian roots will help the faithful to rediscover their own identity in modern world marked by processes of globalization and assimilation. At the same time, it will contribute to a better understanding of the universal significance of our tradition. “Current situation of the UGCC in Ukraine as well as abroad, the needs of the faithful of our Church define the goal of the Catechism – to help the faithful to understand better and implement more profoundly in ones life Christian faith transmitted to us by the Fathers of our Church; to cherish Kyivan Christian Tradition; and in their light to find the responses to the challenges of modern world”, - noted the Head of the UGCC. In his opening word to the UGCC Catechism, His Beatitude Sviatoslav recalled the words of his venerable predecessor Lubomyr Card. Husar who who had specifically emphasized the need of such a publication in the following words: “The teaching of Christ is one and the same for all, the faith of Christ is also the same for all Catholics regardless of their right or their belonging to some local church. Instead, theological understanding of the truths revealed by God can be different in different cultures, as there are different liturgical rites”. The Catechism “Christ is our Easter” continues the tradition of written or printed catechisms of the UGCC whose origins date back to the XVI century. Since that time there was not a century without presentation of a new Catechism. To mention a few of them, noteworthy are: “Catechism” from XVII century compiled by St. Josaphat, Archbishop of Polotsk; Catechism entitled “Proclamation to the people or Word for catholic people” from XVIII century; “Great Catechism for parochial schools” from XIX century and Catechism “God’s Teaching” from XX century. Presentation of the Catechism is within the International scientific-practical conference, taking place in Lviv on 24-27 June 2011. The conference participants are Bishops, priests, religious and faithful of the UGCC from the USA, Canada, Russia, Poland, Brazil, Serbia, Portugal and Ukraine. The new Catechism will be translated into English, Polish, Russian, Portuguese and Spanish.
UGCC Information Department
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